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Rule No.119 - It's okay to be fat. So you're fat. Just be fat and shut up about it.

This rule comes from none other than Roseanne Barr. And really, could you imagine anyone else saying this. There is an element of truth in this though and I can say that because I am guilty of whining about it every now and then. I think every single person is guilty of this at some stage or another. It might be because you have curly hair, or dead straight, a pear shape body or an apple, long thin fingers or short sausage ones.  We will always find something wrong with ourselves and for what? To moan about it to someone that would give anything to have curly hair like yours? It's okay to have a skew nose, it's okay to have beauty spots, it's even okay to be as dark as the night or as white as a snow man.  It annoys everyone else around you when you complain and just makes you feel bad about yourself, so either accept what you have and be happy, or start making changes. The Brazilian Blowout is amazing and can help you start changing the way you feel about yourself, a

Rule No. 118 - Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.

Oh Roald Dahl, how I love you.  Not entirely sure if this experience sums up the rule, but it's a great example. I needed to pop into Clicks the other day before work to pick up some medication but found out when I got there that i needed to wait another 13mins before they opened. it had to be one of THE coldest days and not being the best morning person, let's just say, I've been in better moods. Just as my last nerve was about to snap, a sweet old German man walked past with his bundle of washing for the laundry, smiled gently at me and said "everything comes to those who wait".  A simple little sentence that turned my day right around. I smiled back and not a minute later I was greeted at the door and welcomed into the warm store. Do you remember when you were a child, when you walked into a new place, you would stop and stare and take everything in. Now, as we have grown older, we "don't have the time to". We rush in, get what we need and

Rule No. 117 - Never play checkers with a man that carries his own board

Unless you enjoy loosing, which isn't normal and you should see someone about it. Alternatively, if you carry your own board then by all means, have a game of checkers. Just might be a tough decision who's board you going to use. Maybe you can throw dice for it. Highest number wins. Better idea, play giant Checkers!

Rule No.Suze: When life throws lemons at you, call all your friends and make jugs of cocktails!

So life has been having a bit of a laugh lately and throwing all sorts at me. To say it gave me lemons is a bit of an understatement and I feel like I've been on a roller coaster. On my drive home today, the words from someone special played in my head. Spend time in water, it will give you all the answers. So I headed straight to the pool. Being a Pisces, this made sense.  It took me a couple lengths, then saving myself from drowning from the exhaustion and then finally pretending I was a mermaid with long hair to start relaxing and letting my mind flow freely. It was then that this came to me. The lemons thing, and normally the usual tequila saying follows but tonight it was about friends. And that honestly is what it all comes down to. Friends. I know I have spoken about this subject many times, but this time it feels different. It's that old cliche and probably a rule that is still going to come up, that when times are tough your true friends come out. Funny thing is,

Rule No. 116 - If you don't fail at least 90 percent of the time, you're not aiming high enough

Wow, then I am aiming FAR too high! haha. Failing sucks, but if you get to learn something from that then its not for nothing. Seems like a bit of a dud reward but you have to look at it as a lesson.  There is the whole cliche "learn from your mistakes" thing and as much as none of us want to hear this, it really is true. if it isn't working and you keep failing, then aim higher they say. Well, some of us just see the failure as more of a challenge to try and try again at the same thing and the only lesson we take each time is to try harder next time and keep hitting our heads against the wall. Like playing Angry Birds , one star just isn't enough, keep trying till you get three! But you know what, if you keep trying you going to get all 3 stars AND the golden egg. It's just gonna take a whole lot more time than just taking the 1 star and moving on to the next stage. Well that's my thinking. Haha.  I blame Wayne's World for that.  Wayne Campbell

Rule No. 115 - Always, in all circumstances, wear comfortable shoes. You never know when you may have to run for your life.

Weird, perfect scenario. Tonight Original (throw head back in laughter) and I went to dancing and I decided that I was going to wear my Toyota Cheetahs slipper cause I dance barefoot anyway and tackies are just a mission. Oh and i had spent the entire day walking around in 6inch heels. So off I went in my leggings, socks and slippers with my hoodie, ready for some serious salsa or jazz or even a bit of the fox trot. Original (throw head back with laughter) and I laughed as I was leaving saying that of all the nights, tonight would be the night that I would bump into my knight in shining armour and how one day we would have to explain to our kids how dad met mom with a pair of orange and black cheetah slippers on.  Well, the good news is, not only did I survive the evening without bumping into my knight, but I made it through a surprise dinner out, in public, with Dancing Queen without embarrassing myself too much. And my feet feel amazing now in bed, no pain, no cramping, just p

Rule No. 114 - Never contend with a man that has nothing to lose.

"You used to be so amused At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal"   Bob Dylan By contending with someone that has nothing to lose, you agreeing to battle against someone that already has one up on you. They will enter with no anxiety and because they have lost everything they will feel no fear. So think carefully before you consider taking on someone like this. It wont end well. 

Rule No. 113 - Don't be afraid. Because you're going to be afraid. But remember when you become afraid, just don't be afraid.

I was afraid, I knew I was going to be and when I felt afraid, it was too late for me to not be afraid anymore. Too late.  Being afraid is a serious waste of time. It also drains you of all your emotional energy and makes you sad and then makes you miss out on whats going on right in front of you.  So ya, try not be afraid and when you feel you might be, just remember, its gonna be a waste of time if you do end up being afraid.

Rule No. 112 - Hold every moment sacred

"Give each clarity and meaning, each the weight of thine awareness, each its true and due fulfillment." You know what's sad, it almost always takes a tragic event for us to stop for a second and realise how much has gone by and we missed it all cause we are so caught up in the race.  So lets make a conscious decision to hold every moment from now on as sacred. Lets make sure our friends know how much we appreciate them and make the time to tell your family and loved ones just how much you love them. Keep each moment in your heart and treasure it like you would a new gift. If you hold each moment sacred, when you need that memory, it will be there for you as clear as the moment it happened. 

Rule No.111 - Whenever you have a little bit of time for yourself, read a book.

"...Always carry something with characters written on it with you and look at it when no one's looking." Funny story, Hidden Treasure has always told me that he never goes anywhere without a book on him and said many times to me that it is a good idea to do the same. So one morning as I was getting ready to go stand in the UNISA line to register, expecting like an hour wait, so I popped a book that I had been wanting to read forever in my bag and off I went.  Well tell you what, I have never been happier about taking someones advice as I was that day. The hour wait that I was expecting turned into a seven hour wait. For some unknown reason, on this day I forgot to take a bottle of water with me, and because I was late (funny that) I had to skip breakfast. You know how sometimes you go to a restaurant and you throw a couple sweets in your bag "just in case", well keep doing that. I have never been happier to find Spur sweets at the bottom of my bag in my l

Rule No.110 - If fate means you to loose, give him a good fight anyway.

I LOVE this rule! How many times have we said, it just wasn't meant to be and throw our arms up in air, shrug our shoulders and walk away. Here William McFee is saying look fate in the face and challenge him.  Fate is something to be challenged and not a force to be acquiesced to.  If you believe in something enough, fight for it. At the end of the day, we create our own destiny and we can change our fate with every decision we make. So next time you think fate is telling you that you will loose, but it's something you really want, fight it.  Fight until your knuckles bleed. You vs fate. Round 1.

Rule No.109 - Sometimes you have to be a b&%*# to get things done.

Yes, you do. But you should probably limit how many times you bring that side of you out. I recently had to bring it as I simply could no longer put up with a situation, and I brought out the bad side. Tell you what, haven't had a problem with them again! Sorted.  So yes Madge, sometime we do need to be biatches to get things done. But i think it should be in emergencies only. ;)

Rule No.108 - All suffering is caused by being in the wrong place. If you're unhappy where you are, move.

And if it were that easy there would be many more happy people in the world. Or is it that easy? How many of us have been in a really unhappy place? If you didn't put your hand up now, you are so lying.  Honestly though, I have experienced this rule first hand. I was in a bad bad place 6 years ago, so what did I do? I moved. Best move of my life. Leaving my family and friends behind was incredibly hard, but as far as my heart and soul, it was the best thing in the world. Many people saw it as me running away, but it wasn't running away from a situation but rather running towards a better, happier me and the fact that it came with a mountain and a beach was a bonus. It is something I have never looked back at with regret, even with all the highs and lows since being here.  Now we have to look at this from the metaphorical side of things. Sometimes actually physically moving is impossible, but it has to be more of an emotional move. A shift in thinking. Lets say you have

Rule No.107 - Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions: Why am I doing it? What will the results be? Will I be successful?

.....only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead. Not completely sold on this rule, but that's just because of my nature. This is a quote by Chanakya  who was born in 370 BC, a highly educated man and if I had actually followed this rule, I am sure I could have avoided many bad decisions. But then again I always say that I am where I am now because of the mistakes and crazy decisions I have made.  I'm not dissing this rule at all, I think it is incredibly clever and it really is how we should think before starting something, but I never really make it further than question one. I am impulsive and believe that what is meant to happen will happen.   Maybe I should make a more conceited effort to go as far as question two and three. I'll let you know how that goes. 

Rule No.106 - The number one rule of the road is never go to bed with anyone crazier than yourself. You will break this rule, and you will be sorry.

I have nothing to add to this. Haha. Classic rule ;)

29th May

* Your lucky days are  Thursday   and  Friday   * You are exactly  37 years 1 week 6 days 11 hours 55 minutes 33 seconds  old. * You will receive your next birthday gift in 51 weeks 4 days 12 hours 4 minutes 27 seconds later * If your hair were never cut since 29.May.1975, it would be  5.394 m.  today. * If your nails were never cut since 29.May.1975, they would be  1.338 m.  today. * An apple tree seeded on 29.May.1975, bore  3,287.032  kg. apples till today. Happy birthday Nancy, here's to many many more. Thank you for all the fun times, laughs and cries. Can't wait to have another "India" experience with you. Love you 

Rule No.105 - If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.

Well,then I'm half way there. I have a very lovely little library, there are bird books,dictionaries, Spanish books, a Gandhi biography , Body for Life, some novels from book club, art books, photography books, an Argentina lonely planet, Roald Dahl , James Dean , Zulu/Xhosa books, some travel journals and a signed Edition of The Elephant Whisperer , to mention a few. It has always been my dream to have a room dedicated to books one day and I want my kids to be surrounded by books from the day they are born. The room needs to smell like books and have one of those fancy library ladders that you push and swing on from one side to the next.  Now, the garden part. Sigh. Just when I thought the orchid was my biggest task! There is a little spot outside our place that I recently had cleared with the intention of making it look pretty. That's as far as I got. Twinkle Toes has given me the amazing idea of creating a zen garden there, which I LOVE. Less plants, more stones and sa

Rule No.104 - Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes

A man who has at length found something to do will not need to get a new suit to do it in; for him the old will do, that has lain dusty in the garret for an indeterminate period. This is quoted from Henry David Thoreau, a Transcendentalist who was part of a movement in the 1830's and 40's. They believed in an inherent goodness in both man and nature and that any institutions or societies corrupted the purity of an individual. That is probably the most basic explanation ever given and it involves so much more than that, but it is the just of it. Very interesting. Anyway, back to the rule. As soon as you are required to change for something, you should first question if that is what you are willing to become. You shouldn't have to change for anyone, be it clothing or who you are. You need to decide what you are going to stand for and then stick to it. But if you need a new pair of stilleto's, by all means, go and get yourself a pair, or two. That won't hurt

Rule No.103 - The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook

Have you watched Julie and Julia ? After that movie, I even considered cooking for a while, but that quickly wore off. Julia Child, well the way they portray her in the movie is so completely fun and someone I would love to have had as a friend. I can totally picture her saying this. As I am sure you have picked up from my blog, I am not a fan of the word diet, although I am permantently starting some new "healthy eating" regime.  Tonight we went out for one of the most delicious meals I have had in a very long time. It was complete overindulgence and I feel like I could die from over eating, but what an amazing night. We laughed till we cried, shared wine, told stories and just embraced the evening with both arms. Now if any of us had been on a diet, it really would not have been the same. It was an evening of indulgence and it was incredible. can't wait to do it again. Diet-shmiet I say! Thank you Original, Karmen and Punk Rocker. :)

Rule No.102 - learning what you don't want to do is the next best thing to figuring out what you do want to do.

I don't want to eat tomatoes. I don't want to feel broken hearted. I don't want to cut my hair. I don't want to miss opportunities. I don't want to have TimTams alone on the balcony. I don't want to stop painting and I really don't want listen to my head anymore.   How do I know all this? Because I have experienced it and from there made a decision that I didn't like it, moving me closer to what I do like. I now know that I like creamy tomato soup, I like me best with long hair instead of short, I love sharing TimTams on the balcony. I want to paint, often. I will hear my head out, but will go with what my heart says.  Most importantly, I will take each and every opportunity. This way, I keep learning what I do and don't want!

Just thought of you...

hahaha    (very typical laughter, it's usually triple 'ha', not double) hehehe  (sound a bit more 'polite' than hahaha) ha… ha… ha…  (sarcastic) hihihi  (gigling) ahahaha  (got popular after a TV series character who used to laugh this way) ehehehe  (same as hehehe) eki eki  (used in comics, especially as the oldie way laughter) keh keh/kah kah  (sneaky-ish lughter) muhaha  (evil laughter) nihaha  (evil laughter) jajajajajaja (laugh in Spanish) haha (any plain laughter) hehe (more hissing) hihi (giggling) hoho (Santa Claus style) höhö (ironic) moahaha (the evil one) eheh (embarrassed)

Rule No.101 - If you don't feel like doing something, don't do it. My cardiologist told me that.

I'm using this rule today. I don't feel like getting out of bed. So I'm not gonna. It's cold outside, I'm feeling a little fragile and my feet hurt from all the dancing last night. I think that's reason enough to stay in bed. Oh, and I have a TV in my room now. Sorted. Now I just need a cup of tea.  If you do something when you don't really feel like doing it, you going to do it half heartily. So it's best, if you can, to delay it until you are in the mood for it.  

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Don't forget to put your email in here so you get instant notification of the next rule.  But wait, there's more. If you sign up now... Just kidding. xx

Green fingers...maybe?

Noun 1. green fingers  - a special ability to make plants grow green thumb metier ,  speciality ,  speciality ,  forte ,  strong point ,  strong suit ,  long suit ,  strength  - an asset of special worth or utility; "cooking is his forte" Day 1 For as long as I can remember I have been completely useless at gardening, I think it was mainly because I had zero interest in it. There were always plants in the house and our gardens while growing up were spectacular, but how they managed to stay alive and grow was never of any interest to me. Then I moved out the house while studying and bought my first plant. It lasted a month or so before it died. After that, in a moment of madness, my roommates and I decided we needed fish. Mine was the first to die, he lasted a day before my roommates fish ate both of ours, only to die himself two days later. So from then I promised myself I was in no place to look after anything in the plant or fish kingdom.  Six years ago I m

Rule No.100 - Don't be afraid of the truth.

First of all, YAY for reaching rule 100 without quitting. This is a big deal! Only 518 more to go, yikes. Thank you to all of you that take the time to read Suze, I know I can talk a lot of rubbish sometimes, but I hope you get a laugh or two out of it.  Okay, back to the rules!  Judge Randolph : *Consider yourself in Contempt!*  Kaffee : *Colonel Jessep, did you order the Code Red?*  Judge Randolph : You *don't* have to answer that question!  Col. Jessep : I'll answer the question!  [ to Kaffee ]  Col. Jessep : You want answers?  Kaffee : I think I'm entitled to.  Col. Jessep : *You want answers?*  Kaffee : *I want the truth!*  Col. Jessep : * You can't handle the truth !*  [ pauses ]  Ah yes, we all know it well. "A Few Good Men" , when Jack Nicholson sets it straight with ol' Tom. We all held our breath as he paused before delivering one of his best performances yet. But yes, that is how life is, sometimes the truth sucks and it

Rule No.99 - Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric

Charles Darwin said in his opinion all  species  of life have descended over time from  common ancestors ,   and that this  branching pattern  of  evolution  resulted from a process that he called  natural selection . Galileo said the Earth moves from the evidence of the tides. These are just two well known individuals who both had ideas that were unheard of in their times.  Galileo studied the universe by looking through his telescope, then realized that the Earth revolves around the sun. This was opposite of what the Catholic Church had been teaching, so he was punished for treason and was to be confined to his home. The Church didn't admit that they were wrong until many, many years after Galileo passed away. Although his ideas differed from everyone else's, he kept his foot down because he knew he was right. To this day, you ask anyone who Galileo or Charles Darwin is and they will know. Yes their ideas were eccentric, but imagine they never went through with it,

No light no light

You are the hole in my head You are the space in my bed You are the silence in between What I thought and what I said You are the night time fear You are the morning when it's clear When it's over, you will start You're my head, you're my heart

Rule No.98 - Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity.

... It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can't try to do things. You simply must do things." Now this is a rule I can relate to. I am best when not thinking, ask any of my friends, haha. Being spontaneous is one of my things. Sometimes it can get me into a lot of trouble, but most of the time it's the best thing ever. I have friends that cannot understand how I do it or why I do it, but when I tell them the stories afterwards, they wish they had done it too. As soon as you start thinking about it, you start analyzing things. If i did that, what would happen? If I didn't, what then? Then you start to doubt yourself and you end up just wasting your time and having no fun in the end. As an artist, thinking is possibly the worst thing you can do while trying to be creative. Being creative comes from deep within, and by thinking you shut all that out and then you might as well just draw a stick figure.  Try it today. Just don't

All in a day's work...

996km's, twelve and half hours in the car, Cape Town - Knysna/ Knysna - Cape Town, four road blocks and about twenty four traps, eight road work stop and go's, one hour long stop to clear an accident, two tanks of petrol, three coffee's and one gigantic play, 5.9 billion thoughts of which about seven were actually useful, one meeting and at least ninety two different species of bugs on my bumper.  Exhausted... Sleep... Now...

Rule No.97 - If you're not in the parade, you watch the parade. That's life.

It really is that simple. It's a conscious choice. Be involved in the parade where you risk getting sun burnt, rained on, knocked off the float or having a wardrobe malfunction, or you could just watch the parade go by right in front of you and when you look again, you still in the same place.  Sure, by joining the parade the risk of something going wrong is so much higher, but it's so much more exciting. So you have to weigh it up. Do you want to be safe in your little section on the side of the road, or do you want to get involved and have some fun, and maybe fall down, but then learn how to get back up onto your feet again?  There is nothing wrong with you if you choose to watch, but if I can ask you, just once, to grab a costume and a some feathers and give the parade a bash. If you hate it, I promise I will still wave to you from the float as we go by next time because I will know that you at least tried. ;)

Rule No.96 - The world is movement, and you cannot be stationary in your attitude toward something that is moving.

This comes from a photographer named Henri Cartier - Bresson and if you need a different explanation of this, he puts it even more beautifully:  "It is the events happening around us that create the rhythm of an image and that the photographer has to work in harmony with that rhythm to be able to capture the moment when the form fits the subject matter." I have to tell you, for a very long time now I have wanted to become the "best" photographer in the world and to hear a quote like this just makes me smile from ear to ear. When I'm taking photo's it's like I go into a whole new world where everything is beautiful through the lens and nothing can upset me. Getting that perfect photo is like winning the lottery , the non-corrupt version of course. It's a feeling in the pit of your stomach that nothing else can compare to.  Sorry, got carried away there. Life and photography are really quite similar. There is normally a split second that y

Rule No.95: Laughing at someone else is an excellent way of learning how to laugh at oneself...

... and questioning what seem to be the absurd beliefs of another group is a good way of recognizing the potential absurdity of many of one's beliefs. Suze Original and I have this thing we do. You know when you talking and you mess up, like, stumble on a word, or when you get something stuck in your throat and you make a funny noise, you normally try cover it up and the other person would normally pretend they didn't hear it. We call each other out on it and if someone did that to you, you would die of embarrassment but we both end up killing ourselves laughing. Being able to laugh at yourself is awesome and being able to laugh at someone without them getting all up in your face can show a great amount of character from them.  The other day a documentary caught my attention called "Oh my God" by Peter Rodger .  "Oh My God" asks people from all walks of life, from celebrities, to the religious, to atheists and the common Man - the question - "

Rule No.94 - I have 10 commandments. The first nine are, "Thou shalt not bore." The tenth is, "Thou shalt have right of final cut"

I wasn't quite sure how to go about this rule without upsetting someone so instead, I decided to check out who wrote it. This quote comes from a man named Billy Wilder, who originally wanted to become a lawyer (luckily not with commandments like these, haha) but instead took up a job at a local newspaper which then lead to him becoming an incredibly famous Hollywood screen writer.  The film names mentioned are completely foreign to me, except for "The seven year itch" but I am sure if I ask my mom she will know exactly what they talking about. What really got my attention though was his trade marks in each movie. This is the kind of guy I would have loved to meet. I mean, someone that writes screenplays called "Ball of fire" with a  Sexy, wisecracking nightclub singer Sugarpuss O'Shea who is a hot tomato who needs to be kept on ice, or "Some like it Hot" with  Sugar Kane Kowalczyk (Marilyn Manroe) how can he not have been fun. Each movie kep