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Showing posts from August, 2012

Rule No.119 - It's okay to be fat. So you're fat. Just be fat and shut up about it.

This rule comes from none other than Roseanne Barr. And really, could you imagine anyone else saying this. There is an element of truth in this though and I can say that because I am guilty of whining about it every now and then. I think every single person is guilty of this at some stage or another. It might be because you have curly hair, or dead straight, a pear shape body or an apple, long thin fingers or short sausage ones.  We will always find something wrong with ourselves and for what? To moan about it to someone that would give anything to have curly hair like yours? It's okay to have a skew nose, it's okay to have beauty spots, it's even okay to be as dark as the night or as white as a snow man.  It annoys everyone else around you when you complain and just makes you feel bad about yourself, so either accept what you have and be happy, or start making changes. The Brazilian Blowout is amazing and can help you start changing the way you feel about yourself, a