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Showing posts from November, 2014

Rule No.159 - Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.

In my little cottage there is a big white toy box. Before it was white, it was pink, before pink it was blue with white sponging (very 90's) and before that, it was the original wood. I think. It's been in our house all of my  23 years and somehow it's found it's way back into my life and little cottage. Today was the day I decided to open that little box of tricks. It wasn't at all what I thought would be in there. I found a whole bunch of art from while I was studying design at Tech as well as cards, photos and letters. I laughed and then I cried a little and then laughed some more. Funny how at 21 I thought I had my life sorted. I had a wonderful boyfriend, my whole Graphic Design career ahead of me, incredible friends, a brilliant social life and not a care in the world. I should have known that it would never be that easy. Since then, I've changed careers ...many times, changed boyfriends...quite a few times there too, changed cities, countries, lo