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Showing posts from April, 2012

Rule No. 93 - If you're looking for wisdom, call your grandmother

"Don't leave the house without lipstick, you never know who you might bump into." "Moisturize" "Keep your chin up and your nose clean" "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar' These are the kinds of words of advice we get from our Gran's. The kind that you don't ask for but just get. Now I am going to get all soppy on you. I never got to meet my Dad's mom, and my Mom's mom passed away when I was 16, and I have always felt robbed of that. There is something about becoming a gran that they suddenly have all the answers to all the questions in the world and they just have an amazing way of comforting you and make things seem as though everything will be fine.  I have so many questions I would want to ask my Gran's. One of them though, is to ask my Gran why she smoked cigarettes called Life ? hehe. No seriously, I know I could have learnt so much from them and often wish that I had just a day with th

Rule No.92 - Play not the peacock, looking every where about you, to See if you be well Decked, if your Shoes fit well, if your stockings sit neatly, and Cloths handsomely.

Funny story, this quote comes from the mid 1600's 110 Rules of Civility and decent behaviour in Company and Conversation and features as the rule no. 54. When George Washington was 16, he wrote all these rules, originally written by French Jesuits in 1595, as part of an exercise from his schoolmaster. If you read these rules now, it seems so silly and really fussy never mind completely outdated applying only to the time when you could have a massive bum and hide it behind the awesome dresses, that's if you could survive the corsets.  The one thing about these rules though, is the focus on other people rather than having the focus on ourselves and our own interests that we find now days. It's not just about manners back then but rather little sacrifices that we should still to this day be willing to make.  These rules show respect for others, even though they sound so silly, and in turn, self-respect. All that been said, I have to share these two rules with you, caus

Rule(s) No.91 - Herzog's Rules

1 . Be on time 2. Bust your butt 3. Play smart 4. Have some laughs while you're at it I have been trying to write this post for two days now. But there is actually nothing to write. These rules say it all. Be on time, bust your butt, play smart and have a laugh. Perfect. That's all.

Just keep following the heartlines on your hand...

Thank you Suze Original for bringing Florence into my life...

Rule No.90 - Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.

When we were younger, we used to play a game. It didn't have a name, but hearing this rule, i think this is what it should have been called. "The Lesser of two evils". We would take turns to make each other choose between two things, neither of them great. Example? Brussel sprouts or asparagus? Kissing a frog or playing with a spider? Eating a dog pellet or lick a shoe. Then as we got older the choices became harder. Like, who would you rather kiss, Jocelyn Wildenstein or Carrot Top? And so on, either way, you choosing a less than ideal option.  The origin of this saying comes from the Cold war-era  pragmatic foreign policy  principle used by the States . These days it is used mostly in reference to electoral politics and silly games that we play. Funny, every now and then, we still throw out a "what would you choose".  This however, for me, is the perfect way to make a decision when it comes to two lesser evils, always choose the one you haven't tried

Rule No.89 - Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.

I have two birthmarks on my body and three beauty spots on my face in the shape of the shorthand "therefore". My eyes are brown-green when I am happy, and a darker brown when I am sad. My nose is skew and I have two very large scar's on my right leg from an accident when I was a kid. I used to have perfectly straight teeth after years of braces, but then my wisdom teeth decided to redecorate my mouth. I'm at least 10 cm shorter than all 5 of my family members and my fingers look like baby pork sausages. This is me. Fingerprints, teeth, lips, eyes, ears, fingers, toes, beauty spots, birthmarks, scars. These are just some of the things that make us unique. Without them, CSI would be a lot more complicated and Horatio would probably have so many more one liners for all the unsolved clues. Millions of us have brown eyes, or blond hair, or are 1.56m tall. But every single one has something, well, unique. Studies have showed that even identical twins are different. I had th

Rule No.88 - Nobody is always a winner, and anybody who says he is, is either a liar or doesn't play poker.

We've all met them at some stage at our lives, never lost at anything, always right and best of the best. Not the easiest people to hang around with but normally they are the ones fighting some kind of battle. Well that, or they just really arrogant silly people. To be where we are in life, we had to have failed at some things. Some of us more than others, but it is impossible to have been through life and won at every single thing, failing at things is what makes us stronger and want to succeed more. If you haven't failed at anything in your life, you have't experienced life to the fullest. Or you are extremely lucky and I would love some words of wisdom from you please. There is a huge difference between being called a winner or a looser and that is, a winner will get up again after a defeat where as a looser will call it a day and give up all together. "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." Samuel Becket

Rule No.87 - Let your soul do the singin'.

Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against your passion and your appetite. Kahlil Gibran Soul: the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part. So the last couple of posts have been, well, pretty depressing and woe is me and I realised this this morning. Honestly, I am going to blame it on post diet stress. The point of most of this is to make you think a little, sometimes, to read the ramblings from someone that refuses to grow up, and hopefully every now and then to make you giggle a little too. IF i'm lucky. Not a forum for me to be moaning and groaning. New idea, wake up and not think the sky is going to fall on my head today, that the toast won't fall on the jam side and the friends that count

Rule No. 86 - Fill yourself with silence, you will find life, And your body shall flourish upon earth...

If i had written this post a couple days ago, I might have saved a friendship. This is a rule that I need to take to heart, and try my best to install into my life. I have a really bad problem with keeping quiet. Maybe it's because I have a very large family where if you don't hurry up and speak, you won't be heard, or maybe I just have a broken filter when it comes to processing. There have been many many times in my past that I have regretted saying some things, even though I hate the word "regret" but it has caused a large amount of sadness and complications in my life. Instead of sitting still for a moment and processing the information, I take how I feel at that very second and blurt it out. Most times, I have just completely missed the point and end up making a massive fool of myself. My star sign for this month says that when I am in doubt, I must get in the water, it's my element and it makes me stronger. So anyone want to join me for a dive, I cant t