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Showing posts from 2020

What's hair got to do with it?

Um, everything. Hair has everything to do with it! "Gorgeous hair is the best revenge" -Ivana Trump "A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life" - Coco Chanel "Good hair days make me feel like I can rule the world." - unknown (or every female in the world) If you're having a bad hair day, chances are you're going to have a bad day. Same if you're having a good hair day, things just suddenly all into place. It's just how the universe works.  My love/hate relationship with my hair started many years ago. (hate is a strong word, more like not love so much) When I was about 8, I got the unmentionable lice. And instead of combing out the nits like everyone else, my Mom sent me to my Aunt (NOT a hairdresser) to chop all my hair off into a very boyish style. I use the word style very loosely. It was horrendous. A dark time in my life.  The next hair moment that stands out is my confirmation. Finally, my hair was almost m

Rule No 166 - Do not go to bed fearing tomorrow, for when day breaks what is tomorrow? - Amenemope

What better rule to use for the first one in what feels like 50 years. Hi! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas (for the past 4 years) I have written posts for days, but have been deleting them just as fast. It's amazing what fear can do to you. I became so self-conscious of the judgment I'd get for my lack of writing skills that I simply stopped writing.  Since the last blog post, I've graduated, moved back to Cape Town, got engaged (in Zimbabwe), taught at two different schools, been to Australia to meet my Godchild, got married, went on honeymoon to Canada and Ireland and have settled into my dream job. I have also been battling the lessor spotted (actually probably as common as the house ant but totally underdiagnosed) Hashimoto autoimmune disease, which I am finding incredibly hard to explain to people, but that's a post for a different day. For now, I just want to check in and hopefully, by posting this, I'll be rid of my fears and go back to posting b