... and questioning what seem to be the absurd beliefs of another group is a good way of recognizing the potential absurdity of many of one's beliefs.
Suze Original and I have this thing we do. You know when you talking and you mess up, like, stumble on a word, or when you get something stuck in your throat and you make a funny noise, you normally try cover it up and the other person would normally pretend they didn't hear it. We call each other out on it and if someone did that to you, you would die of embarrassment but we both end up killing ourselves laughing. Being able to laugh at yourself is awesome and being able to laugh at someone without them getting all up in your face can show a great amount of character from them.
The other day a documentary caught my attention called "Oh my God" by Peter Rodger. "Oh My God" asks people from all walks of life, from celebrities, to the religious, to atheists and the common Man - the question - "What is God?". I think it is a documentary that everyone should watch, no matter what your belief. Without completely ruining it for you, the outcome is this simple. We all want the same thing out of life, no matter what you believe. But it was incredibly interesting how each person sees things differently. We might think that they are absurd in their way of thinking but if you hear them out, you'll find out that it isn't any more absurd than your own thinking.
Lesson here? Learn to laugh at yourself and take out those ear plugs. Start listening.
Lesson here? Learn to laugh at yourself and take out those ear plugs. Start listening.