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Showing posts from June, 2013

Small Talk

When i was 18 I used my gap year to see if teaching was my calling by becoming an assistant teacher at a pre-school in the three year old class room. Every single day i would come home with a story that i had heard from one of the kids and every day I said to myself i had to write it down somewhere to remember one day. But I never did.  Since then the wind has blown me back and forth in and out of classrooms and now again, I find myself back in a classroom. This time however, I am not going to forget the things they say because I am going to share them with you.  This is a heart from one of my boys made out of play dough Here's a couple of the story's in my three weeks of work with kids aged 3 - 6. We had a special church service where the littlies had to attend and a couple minutes into the service one of the girls gently poked my shoulder and said in a rather loud whisper, "Okay, now I'm bored. When can we leave." To which the boy on the other


Today I had to go back and read Rule No.42. With puffy, red, burning eyes and a very heavy heart, I had to remind myself that only I can make my dream possible, and sitting around waiting isn't going to make it happen. There will be days, like today, that nothing seems possible and you feel like your heart may snap into two, but if you don't pick yourself off the ground you just going to get dust and stuff all over you. And let's be honest, who really wants that?  Thank goodness every day you get to start all over again... Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow.

Today I love... Ed Sheeran

While I was in Spain, a beautiful friend introduced me to the incredibly talented Edward Christopher Sheeran. He's only 22 and taking over the music world. His voice is hauntingly beautiful and I can't keep him to myself any longer. Do yourself, and your soul, a favor and go listen to his songs. I'm in love. A-Team was his first hit and if you listen to the words, you will get goosebumps all over your body. As for the song "Small Bump", yoh, get the tissues ready. But each song speaks to the deepest part of your heart and you can feel it comes from his soul. I've just seen the music video for "Give me love" and had to share. You can thank me later. And of course, this one:

Rule No.126: Don't ever forget two things I'm going to tell you. One, don't believe everything that's written about you. Two, don't pick up too many checks.

I have the perfect example for this one, the second half that is. A friend of mine agreed to have a college over from another country for a week on a business/pleasure trip. The idea was mentioned by the college and my friend politely agreed. The first night arrived and as any host would, my friend payed the rather large bill, as the man was quite a size himself and was not shy. The following day he got them breakfast, lunch and dinner happily, but by the third day he noticed there was no sign of any hands going into any pockets by the college at any time. After a week my friend walked in looking a little worse for wear. Turns out, for the entire week this other man had not so much as even pretended to offer (you know that motion when you go for your bag/wallet as a polite gesture) A whopping 1800€ tab was counted at the end of this week, for food, drinks, petrol and you know, stuff in general. As my friend said, he would have paid for everything anyway, but a gesture, or a