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Showing posts from October, 2011

Rule No.46 - If you intend to go to work, there is no better place than right where you are

This quote comes straight out of a letter that Abraham Lincoln wrote to his brother. His brother basically wanted to sell his land to make some money and then move somewhere else and Abraham tells him that he is being foolish. Here is an extract: "What can you do in Missouri, better than here? Is the land any richer? Can you there, any more than here, raise corn, & wheat & oats, without work? Will any body there, any more than here, do your work for you? If you intend to go to work, there is no better place than right where you are; if you do not intend to go to work, you can not get along any where. Squirming & crawling about from place to place can do no good. Now do not misunderstand this letter. I do not write it in any unkindness. I write it in order, if possible, to get you to face the truth—which truth is, you are destitute because you have idled away all your time. Your thousand pretences for not getting along better, are all non-sense—they deceive no body bu

Rule No.45 - Trust everyone, but always cut the cards.

In other words, trust everyone, dot dot dot, but not really. This rule applies from the gorgeous little ones I met during my travels recently, to friendships and of course relationships. Some people are just generally trusting, others have learnt the hard way. When your trust has been broken with someone, it's extremely difficult to learn to trust again without always thinking there is something else behind it all. Then on the other side, if you haven't been in a situation like this you will be completely trusting, which most people would say is an amazing thing to have but I think you have to have a certain amount of curiousity. That doesn't sounds right, does it. It's almost as though I'm saying, trust everyone, but be careful cause they might do a 360 on you. But that isn't actually what I'm saying. Yikes, um, how do I say this diplomatically? For me, being naive is worse than not trusting. So you need to have trust with a healthy amount of curiosity, and

Rule No. 44 - Live as if you were already living for a second time and as if you had made the mistakes you are about to make now

Yoh, how much easier would life be! If this was my first life, I would be getting myself extremely ready to take on the next. You name the mistake, I have made it, so far, and who knows how many more. If it helps at all though, I’ve managed to learn quite a lot from this life now, even though some of the lessons were repeated over and over and over, I learnt, eventually. Sure, it would be awesome to not make the same mistakes, but hells bells, how boring would that be. Making mistakes can be fun, sometimes they lead to things happening that you didn’t think would, and helping you see what you want from life, or more, what you don’t want for life, making the things you do want seem that much more obvious. So really, I have just contradicted the rule, but hey, its my blog, I’m allowed to.

Rule No.43 - You cant build a reputation on what you intend to do

One day I’m going to be an amazing teacher. Now, just to finish the studying. So technically I cant say I am going to be good, until I become a teacher, only then can I start working on building up a reputation as the best teacher, next to Suze Original and Fairy Princess of course. For now, I will be the best photographer I can be.

Rule No.42 - If you wish to be a writer, write.

If you wish to be a dancer, dance. If you wish to be teacher, teach. If you wish to be a... ah, who am I kidding. It's obvious. It's like the old cliche, if you going to ask god to let you win money, you got to buy a lotto ticket. It's all good and well wanting and wishing to be something or someone, but you have to take that next step in order to get closer to your dream. No one else can do that for you. So obvious, but sometimes we just need to be reminded.

Rule No.41 - Life is half delicious yogurt, half crap, and your job is to keep the plastic spoon in the yogurt

Classic, written like a true cartoonist. Life is exactly this, look away or get distracted for a second and bam, you got a spoon of crap and no delicious yogurt. You have to keep your eye on the good stuff and make sure you stick to the yummy side. It's gonna happen that your spoon hits the boarder of the two every now and then, but that's fine, just make sure you watch where your spoon goes the next time. You have to roll with the good and the bad and know how to deal with it when the bad hits. We'd all be terribly boring if we just had delicious chocolate fudge with sprinkles and choc bits yogurt so dont always look at it as the worst thing ever, it adds character I say. In the end though, the only thing you can really do, is try your best to keep your plastic spoon in the yum yogurt side. I'll leave you with another classic quote by Scott Adams: "Dance like it hurts. Love like you need money. Work when people are watching."

Rule No.40 - Dance first, think later. It's the natural order.

Appropriately, this is the name of the book that started all this, and is it not the best rule, ever? I absolutely adore dancing, in the shower, in the mall, out at night, in the TV room, at gym, any time i have to wait... the list is endless. I REALLY love to dance. I never really think before though. It's like the dancing just takes over my mind and body. Bet you laughing right now, I am too, but it's true. I went to an art class the other day and while waiting for the teacher I was simply doing a two step with some hand movements and before I knew it the entire class were almost on the floor laughing. I didn't even realise I was doing it until then. Dancing makes my soul happy, don't know how, but it just does. Decisions come easily after a quick salsa on your own. I think that people in power should do a little jig before making any big decisions, their minds will be clear and happy and there would be less war and fighting. Oh, and world peace. :) So you think you

Magical Wedding

To Fairy Princess and Dash Gordon. Thank you for the most amazing, romantic, spectacular wedding this weekend. There are actually no words for how you looked Fairy, and as for dash, a single girl can only wish for someone just like you. You better look after our Princess lots and welcome to the massive family! Some words from one of the most amazing and my personal favorite poet, Kahlil Gibran To the question: 'And what of marriage?' He says: 'You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore. You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days. Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God. But let there be spaces in your togetherness,And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance togeth