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Showing posts from June, 2014

Skipping some rules

Don't be surprised if you see a rule or two missing, I've decided that some are holding me back from writing so I'm just going to skip them.  That's all. 

Rule No. 140 - It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety.

I am from a family that are anything but subtle. When it comes to each other, we call a spade a spade. Which can cause very heated debates but it does help get to the point and if you lucky, you can sort out a situation chop chop by just saying it like it is. I found this description on Google from an unknown fella and it makes a lot of sense. "I wouldn't say that that being obvious is "good," but instead that being obvious is to your advantage / being obvious can yield helpful or profitable consequences for you." If you walk into your bosses office and beat around the bush trying to hint that you would kind of like it if you could maybe, you know, get a raise, as apposed to going in and stating you think you have earned a raise rather, which one do you think you going to get a better response to? In the same breath though, being obvious can have its downfalls. As everything in life though, there needs to be a balance. I think, what this rule i