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Showing posts from July, 2014

Rule No 153 - Stick to your story. It isn't the most important subject in history but it is one about which you are uniquely qualified to speak.

History and I were never friends at school. Wait, it wasn't so much the history as it was the dates. I got to a point that just the word History used to make me break out in a cold sweat. Studying for History exams and tests was like torture. I swear at the time, sticking forks in my eyes would have sounded like a better option.  But in my old age I have started to appreciate History for what it is. The dates still mean nothing to me and I still avoid them like the plague but I enjoy a good old factual story every now and then. I think the appreciation has grown with my love of travel. Knowing the history about a place you are visiting makes you pay more attention while you are there. Well, thats how I feel.  But this rule isn't about that kind of history. It's about your own little book with your name on the front. There is no other story like yours. Not a single one. And there is a very good chance that if someone had to pick up your book and read it, they woul

Today I love... Medicine by Daughter Okay, I consider myself one of the biggest "So you think you can dance" fans. I have watched every single season and sob at least once in every episode. When it comes to my dancing skills, well, there are none. I'm about as flexible as a steel rod and the only beat I dance to is the beat in my head. But when I'm near music and something that even resembles a dance floor I think I have the talent of one of the all stars. True story. Nothing holds me back.  I have completely gone off track, let me get back to the point. A lot of the music I find is from the songs on "So you think you can dance". This one in particular came from a dance with Robert Roldan and Tucker Knox . I nearly died watching this dance, so breathtaking. There were tears. You need to watch the music video for the song and then you need to watch the dance. 

Rule No. 151 - It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.

The other day I forgot to pull up my hand-brake up in the drive way and as I shut the door, it slowly starting heading straight towards the gate. Two completely flattened rose bushes later, thanks to my skew parking, and a big bump on the bumper it came to a holt. I just stood there and watched. And then I laughed. I mean, what else could I do? It was right in the middle of a three day exam run and my stress levels were sky high. I could have broken down and cried but how would that have helped anything? Sometimes life throws some poop things at us. A lot of times, its not as little as a bump and a rose bush. As the rule says, it really is all about how we react to these circumstances. And unless you are a Buddhist monk there is no ways you are going to be able to keep your cool with every single thing that happens.  Let's use a different example. Something less easy to laugh at. Say someone has hurt you and then turned it around to make you look bad. How would you react? Im

Today I love... Keep your head up

"All I was searchin' for was me. Ooh all I was searchin' for was me... ...May you find happiness there, May all your hopes all turn out right. Ooh may you find happiness there, May you find warmth in the middle of the night." A while ago someone sent me this song. It's an incredibly beautiful song and I guess it can be interpreted a couple ways, but it means a whole lot to me. Sad thing is, I think that person doesn't even remember sending it. Today I'm sending it back to you. Just know that I miss you and think of you every single day.

Rule No.150 - Have fun. And go home when you're tired.

This rule reminds me a little of rule number 73 . Stay home when you're drunk. It's not going to happen, especially after 97 shots of potency and a couple, um, lots of tequila red bulls. There isn't going to be a tired. And before you know it, the lights are on, they're playing 'Closing Time' and there are brooms bashing your ankles trying to get you out. Some of us know when the fun has stopped and it's time for home, and some of us have no idea and keep going until the smart friends take you home. By force.  I'm not speaking from experience here, just going on what I've heard ;)  Suffering from fomo , a very serious condition, really makes this rule even harder to live by. It certainly doesn't help you go home when you're tired as there is that instant crippling fear that you will be missing out on something.  I'm thinking, on a deeper level, that you can apply this rule to life and relationships too. Even when you know you

Today I love... Another Love Hells bells, what a song. He looks as though he is about 12 years old but has a voice like nothing in this world. This song makes me teary every time.

Rule No.148 - The three sentences that will get you through life: Number one, "Cover for me." Number two, "Oh, good idea, boss." Number three, "It was like that when I got here."

Classic advice from the one and only Homer Simpson. Also, not the worst advice either, in a funny kind of way. I can honestly say that I have used the 'cover for me' line many many times. It has helped me out of quite a few tricky situations. What you need to do is to make sure that you always have a cover person. You might need a couple peeps though, one for work, one for when you out and a family member,  preferably .  The 'good idea boss' one I'm not so big on. But then again, I've never been big on authority. So don't listen to me on that. If you want to get promoted and stay in the good books, use this, I guess. Number three I can relate to more now that ever. Working with three and four year olds, this is the line you can guarantee you will hear at least a dozen times. Haha. And sometimes it almost works. It's all about your facial expression when you say it. You need to have big eyes. The bigger you make them, the less guilty you look. Kee

Today I love... Pictures of you

Came across this song today and brought back so many memories. I adore The Cure. I don't think I can begin to put in words how much I actually adore them.  Weirdest music video, have a watch... Love this musical rant. Props to Radio Not Found. 

Rule No. 144 - Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.

To be rash is to act   too   hastily   or   without   due   consideration. That's the official meaning and also how I have made most decisions in my life. Luckily though a lot of those have turned out okay but that i believe is pure luck and some amazing angels watching over me. In the same breath, a couple of those decisions have pretty useless and self destructive.  Taking risks only came "later" in life, but after the first big risk, I was hooked. Making calculated ones didn't come naturally though and once your first rash decision turns out to be the best risk of your life, it's hard to kick the habit. So this rule is something I need to work on and will do my best to implement into my life so that I don't repeat some of the really idiotic rash decisions I have made, especially with regards to matters of the heart.  A calculated risk needs forethought, weighing outcomes and at the same time avoiding stupid actions. What you need to ask yourself first