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Showing posts from June, 2011

Rule No. 29 – Work hard each day

Guess it depends how you take this. For someone like me that is “in between jobs” at the moment, working hard each day would be referring to me working on myself and finding what it is I love, then I can work hard each day at doing what I love. Or if you are fortunate enough to have a job, you should work hard each day to keep it and be grateful for it. But it could also mean work hard each day on making yourself a better person, on making yourself happy and others around you. Either way, it’s a good rule. So from tomorrow, start working hard.

Rule No.28 - if you don't get what you want, it's a sign either that you did not seriously want it....

..... or that you tried to bargain over the price. Loving this one cause I have been practicing my bargaining lately for when I go to India with Knitting Nancy. I picked up a couple tips from the Indian tourists that are out here at the moment, and know you have to be as persistent as possible, talk as fast as you can and I’m working on the head motions. No seriously, if there is something you have wanted for a while, and end up not getting it, it really is possible that you didn’t really want it, maybe you thought you needed it, but didn’t really want it. I thought that this thing I wanted was the be all and end all, and I didn’t end up getting it and now when I look back, I realise that it was because even though I thought at the time that I couldn't live without it, it really wasn’t what I was actually looking for. So now I’m looking for something I REALLY want, like seriously want, and I’m not bargaining anything this time.

Rule No.27 - Start where you are. use what you have. do what you can.

Okay, so you've found yourself in an unfortunate situation. Finances in a less than ideal way, broken heart, family issues or feeling like you not where you want to be at this stage of your life. You could lock yourself in your bedroom and listen to Adele until you have cried out every last tear, or drink till you blind and pass out on someones couch, then there is the brave face you can put on and pretend that nothings wrong. Or you can stop for a moment, take a deep breath and then start where you are, right now. Look around you and see what you have in your life, the good stuff. There will be good stuff, you may have to search a little harder cause it's easier to think of all the bad things than it is to realise the good. Then take the good and build on that. Before you know it, your attitude towards things will change, making it easier to think straight and be more positive. Yes, easier said than done, but if you start with the small stuff, the big stuff will get easier to

Rule No. 25 – Never spend money before you have it.

A hundred million rand. Hmmm, half to my parents, some to my siblings, family and friends. Investments, a house, new wardrobe, new car, makeover, teeth whitening, massive night out in a limo, and then travel, travel, travel, till I cant travel anymore. This was all paid for and done before I even bought the ticket. Needless to say, I didn’t win. A fellow from Welkom did though, apparently. Was it because I spent it before I even had the ticket in my hands? Maybe, it would make this rule true then. But it’s so hard not to dream about how amazing it would be to never worry about money ever again. Tomorrow is lotto day again. I’m gonna go buy a ticket before I even find out how much it is, that way, I cant start spending it. Sorted.

Rule No. 26 – No matter how big or soft or warm your bed is, you still have to get out of it.

Tricky to write about this, seeing as though I have been up, eaten, had some tea and then snuck back into bed to write. And my bed is warm, soft and big, and I do struggle to get out of it. It’s my safe place, my comfort zone, where I can simply go to sleep if something is eating at me cause I can’t feel sad or hurt or angry when I’m sleeping. I might have mad dreams, but I can always say it was just a dream, not real. But at some point, I have to get out of bed, into the shower and start my day. Hopefully with a smile on my lips and a giggle in my heart. Bed is recouping time, reflecting time and resting time. It shouldn’t be taken for granted. I went through a stage when I was working three jobs. Exhausted and empty, when I got home I fell into bed only to get up like a robot in the morning and start all over again. Now I sleep with my curtains ever so slightly open so I can see the sunrise, watch the rain, see the birds getting the morning started and feel the excitement of a new

Rule No. 24 – Just because you like Jimi Hendricks doesn’t mean you can play like Jimi Hendricks

Just because you like Jennifer Aniston’s hair, doesn’t mean you should go get the same cut. Just because Twiggy said it’s cool to be skinny, doesn’t mean you should starve yourself. Just because Justin Beeber has a trillion fans, doesn’t mean you have to be one. No, I’m serious about the last one. You really don’t have to be a fan. No seriously, I could go on for hours with the “just because” but basically, how I understand it, is its simply a rule that states, be yourself, stop trying to be like others. Maybe I got it all wrong, but that’s how I’m taking this one. I think I have been finding out more and more about who I am lately thanks to the gorgeous Angel Camael and Bambino. Sometimes I get so caught up in my life and all the drama, but going there makes me feel peaceful and happy. It’s as simple as hearing Bambino giggling to make everything better, or the 7 th cup of tea shared with Camael. I can be me there, flaws and all, and I never get judged. I cry there, laugh, finis

Rule No.23 - Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.

Oh Oprah, what a good rule. I used this rule the other day. I’m going through some stuff at the moment and suddenly I got an offer from Knitting Nancy to go with her to India for a holiday. Being between jobs makes this a little complicated, but then I remembered the money that I put away in case of emergencies. I took a deep breath, I let go, and I said “lets do it”. Who knows what’s going to happen tomorrow, or the next day or the next. All I know is that I want to travel. I want to see as much of the world as possible and I need to take a risk or two. So I am going with Knitting Nancy next month and I could not be more excited. White tigers, elephant rides, churches, beaches, boat rides, spicy food, dirty rivers and delibelly, here we come. So breathe. Now let go. And love this moment that you are alive and do everything you can that you know makes you happy.

Rule No.22 - Never trust someone who cant eat a meal alone at their own kitchen table

I used to be one of “those” people. The thought of having to sit down alone and eat a meal used to put me in a mild panic attack. But slowly, over the years, I’m finding it more and more acceptable to just chill, by myself. I’m actually not that bad to hang out with, but a number of bad relationships and bad choices on my side always made me think I was no fun to be alone with. It’s taken time, but I’m getting better and better at liking myself. If you are one of “those” peeps, don’t stress. Spend time alone in little doses. Like a cup of tea first, just you. You’ll find out that it’s really not that bad. Being alone doesn’t have to be lonely. I do think I may be crossing the line when I start talking out loud but hey, everyone knows I’ve always been a little more special than others and it works for me. Go on, try it, have a meal alone. You’ll be surprised by what you find out about yourself.

Rule No.21 - Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder

Even during tough times, like having to say goodbye to your best friend for the millionth time in your life. I remember our first goodbye like it was yesterday. I was on the floor in the lounge, all the furniture was gone and I was sobbing into the phone barely able to speak. We were 11 at the time and have never lived in the same town, or even provience since. But here is the wonder, after all these years of being apart, and millions of miles between us, our friendship just gets stronger and stronger. Which doesn’t help the goodbyes. Our most recent goodbye was on Monday, and I sobbed like a child all the way home. I consider myself extremely lucky to have her in my life. Not many people get to say they have had a friend since they were in their mom’s bellies and then not let anything, including distance, ruin it. We often speak about how one day we’ll be 80 and she’ll still get me to tickle her back, and I’ll still make her giggle with all my crazy stories and we’ll complain about ou

Rule No. 20 - Nothing important was ever accomplished without chutzpah. Don't ever aim your doubt at yourself.

"...Laugh at yourself, but don't doubt yourself." Chutzpah, as explained by Hidden Treasure, is basically "courage with balls". Best definition ever! Lots can be accomplished with courage, but with chutzpah, shew, so much more. If you truly believe in something, discard the doubt and go for it. As soon as you start doubting, that's when things go wrong. So there was a lunar eclipse the other night and Crazy Beautiful and myself read our horoscopes and low and behold, we were going to meet "the one" on this very night. Yes, this lunar eclipse was going to drag them out and point them in our direction. Needless to say, there were no "one's" that night or the next day. But the eclipse did manage to cause mayhem with ALL our emotions. Maybe it made us reassess what we wanted and where we were, but it messed with our minds! My friends and I laughed historically at the idea that on this night we were to stop looking and all would come toget

Rule No.19 - Never refuse a chance to sit down. And never refuse an opportunity to relieve yourself.

Now that is good solid advise! Hehe. Nothing worse than having to stand for hours, and then need the toilet! This rule has no deeper meaning and I cant get all symbolic about it. Simply say yes if someone offers a chair and never think you can wait to go to the toilet, especially if you have a lentil.

Rule No.18 - A little money helps, but what really gets it right is never - I repeat- never under any condition face the facts

To get it right, be born with luck or else make it. Never give up. Get the knack of getting people to help you and also pitch in yourself. A little money helps, but what really gets it right is to never - i repeat - never under any conditions face the facts.

Rule No. 17 - Create a posse of dead people. Create an entourage of heroes. Put their pictures on your wall, and keep them in your mind.

Helen Keller, Harvey Milk, Joan Of Arc, Mother Theresa, Miriam Makebe, Mahatma Gandhi 2, Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama, Richard Branson... I could go on forever with how many people we can gain strength and inspiration from. But while looking for some idea's now, I came across a guy named Nick Vujicic: a man with no limbs who teachers people how to get up. Shew, did he put life in perspective! He was born with Tetra-amelia disorder, a rare disorder that left him limbless and missing both arms at shoulder level. His statement is "I love living life. I am happy." Man, makes you think. It's not to make you feel depressed now that you have so much and you complain about "silly little things", but rather to show you what you are truly capable of. Obviously everything is all relative and referring to a man that has no limbs is no more hectic than someone, say, that has lost their entire family and they got up and carried on. We all have our mountains or mole hills bu

rule no. 16 - don't forget that some things count more than other things

um, yes. that is correct. i would be a little worried if you didn't realise this. it's obviously much deeper than that though. you need to figure out what counts more. sometimes we loose focus of whats more important. our emotions can get the better of us. so make sure you put things in perspective and you'll know what counts more.

Rule No.15 - If you can't get what you wish for, forget about it.

Hmmm. Tough one. I am massive on wishes. Between Favourite Mistake and myself we have managed to come up with all sorts of things that allow you to make a wish. Our favourite, when you see 22:22 on your phone/digital clock. But there is a catch, you have to make the wish and send it off before you see 22:23, and then you have to wait until 22:24 before looking again, else it won't come true. Then wishing as you go under a bridge when a train is passing at the same time. Then there is the popular wishing on the first star you see. And if you see a shooting star (not as common round these parts). If you find an eyelash, you can wish on that as you blow it away. Wish as you cut a cake, blow out your birthday candles and win the bigger side of the chicken wishbone. Nothing better than finding a folded chip in the pack and making a wish as you eat it. Blowing a dandelion as you wish. A little more complex is the orange segment, if you get a baby one, you have to swallow it whole as you

Rule No.14 - Laugh. Laughter is immeasurable. Be joyful though you have considered all the facts

Charlie Chaplin once said:" A day without laughter is a day wasted". The Irish say:Laughter is wine for the soul - laughter soft, or loud and deep, tinged through with seriousness - the hilarious declaration made by man that life is worth living. Leodini, a Filipino magician says different cultures laugh differently, with the Filipino's being the loudest laughers. He obviously hasn't met my family! There is a quote saying nobody ever died of laughter and that laughter is the only medication without side effects. Shirley MacLaine says:"The person who knows how to laugh at himself will never cease to be amused. And Steven King says "you can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chairand stays as long as it wants Last night was bookclub/wine club. Every 2nd Wednesday of the month, a couple of us girls come together, drink wine, eat amazing food, laugh till we can't breath and occationally take books home. Okay, it's just me

For our beautiful Princess Leia

There are no words at a time like this to comfort you or make things better, but know that we are all here for you and love you. You and your family are in our thoughts. I'm so sorry beautiful girl.

Rule No.13 - Remember, you don't owe anybody any explanations, you don't owe you're parents any explanations... don't owe your professors any explanations." This rule goes out to Smart girl and Crazy Beautiful specifically. You do not need to explain a thing to family, boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends, acquaintances or strangers. You just need to explain to yourself. If you want to do something and it feels right in your heart, by all means do it. And if family and friends question it, you should feel confident enough that you made the right decision to not have to defend yourself. When you start doing things to make others happy, that's where the problems start. It has to be for you cause in the end, you going to wake up the next morning, still as you, and then the next morning and so on. So you want to wake up each morning knowing that you are doing everything you can to make yourself happy. I'm really one to be preaching this as up until the other day, my only purpose in life, it felt, was to keep everyone else happy. I had to go through some tough not so nice tim

Rule No.12 - Spend the afternoon. You can't take it with you.

What a beautiful rule, and it's exactly what I did today. My beautiful Knitting Nancy and Favorite Mistake took me out shopping and for coffee, only to return home to my best meal ever, Sunday Roast. This is how you spend an afternoon. Mother Goose slaved over this meal and even made time to teach me how to make her "special" chicken-a-la-king. She is the only person in the world, well now me too, that knows how to make this meal. Big guy carved the lamb and chose some superb wine for the meal. These are the afternoon's I love most. They always have giggles, memories, more food and then new memories. Today, I spent the afternoon and I loved it.

Rule No.11 - "It depends" is almost always the right answer in any big question.

I've struggled a little with this one, has taken me two days to write it. Well, I have been having the time of my life with my family and friends up in Joburg, so that kinda set me back a little. But I've struggled with this rule cause the past four or so years, I have been on the receiving end of the answer "it depends" and I'll tell you something, its not a nice answer. It's not what you want to hear. As the person delivering the question it's perfect. It buys you time, four years in this case. My advise on this rule is, if someone says, "it depends" walk away, in fact run!

Rule No.10 - The only dream worth having... is to live while you're alive and die only when you dead

I dream about being happy, finding my soul mate, travelling the world, being rich, having a shop, helping people, teaching kids, buying a brand new fancy car with air con and power steering and a beep beep key to open and close and still smells new and things like that. I've never thought to dream about living while I am alive though. I just figured that's a given. But I guess you do get people that have "died" before they die. I suppose circumstances bring you to that point but it's about making a decision each time you knocked down, if you want to get up again or not. Personally, until I get my beep beep car and find my true love, I will fight like Joe Frazier vs. Muhammad Ali in 197 1. (according to google, that was the fight of the century) I'm not dying before that, physically, spiritually or emotionally. When you dream from now, keep the dream of living while you alive in the back of your mind, I mean, might help the process a little. ;)

Rule No.9 - Enjoy doing stuff you will enjoy thinking about and telling stories about for many years to come...

...Do stuff you will want to brag about." My initial thought on this one is extreme things like sky diving or rock climbing or extreme skiing, but after chatting to some family and friends, i have come to realise it's about so much more than that! here is a list of some of the things they would want to do, that they could brag about: * have a child * paint something beautiful * make the perfect meal * get married * become the best stylist * go on a date with a sports star * get a degree * loose weight * dance like ginger rogers * travel around the world with a loved one * run the comrades * catch a record size fish * run in the rain * start a school * walk the streets of new york * learn a different language and one of my favourite's from my dad, become a professional surfer. This has been my best rule so far, I've found out things from family and friends that I would have never imagined they wanted to do. It's been quite amazing and emotional. Bottom line is, you