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Showing posts from September, 2011

Rule No.39 - Unless you have a hundred unanswered questions in your mind, you haven't read enough

When I was younger I used to think reading was for the birds, in actual fact I thought anything academic was a waste of time. I had it in my head that if I knew everything there was to know about music, from WHAM to Pink Floyd, I would be set for life. My Mom used to say to me daily, if only you knew your work like you know your songs. I would buy the summeries of all the setwork books or if possible get the movie and then buy the soundtrack. Then I grew up a little, and joined a book club, mainly because the invite I got was from a fellow wine drinker that recommended I try it out, no need to take books home. This was the case for a good year and a half, but then one night, I took a book home by accident and after a couple days of it staring at me I decided to pick it up and start it. I have gone from a "You" magazine reader to romantic novels to biographies, but over a very long time and I cant get enough now. They say you should read things that you don't already know

To adviSe or adviCe...

This post is just for anonymous and of course for me. I made the advise/advice mistake before and anonymous helped me by pointing it out, and can you believe it, I made the mistake AGAIN. So this is going up to remind me every time I try use these again. advice is a noun and advise is a verb. "Please advise us" is correct. If you want to use "advice", you have to say like "Please give advice" because in this sentence it is used as noun. Advice : An opinion as to a decision or course of action Advise : To offer advice Alternatively I could just use words like counsel, word to the wise, suggestion, sub monition, recommendation, speech from the throne, adviser, prompter, counsel, monitor, mentor for the noun part OR lay heads together, consult together, compare notes, hold a council, deliberate, be closeted with, confer, consult, refer to, call in, be advised by, have at one's elbow, take one's cue from for the verb

Rule No.37 - We are all bozos on the same bus, so we might as well sit back and enjoy the ride.

Lovely Lamb and I are on a road trip at the moment in Emma, which is basically a mini bozo bus and we were discussing this rule. We following Fairy Princess and Dash Gordon who are in their very own bozo bus that apparently doesn't exceed the speed of 80, so we've had quite a bit of time to discuss this. Here's the thing, we are all bozo's. None of us have hand books guiding us, we make mistakes, we go through life feeling our way. We have all at some stage, worried about the same things, money, happiness, love, jobs, decisions, and none of us have the "right" advice for the next. So as much as we are different in our own special ways, we are also just a bunch of bozo's going in the same direction. So like Wavy Gravy says, and he knows what he's saying, why not enjoy the ride. Know that you not alone and it's way more fun when you in a crowd on a bozo bus. :)

Rule No.36 - Question everything!

...You never know where a "silly question" may lead you. Now this is a rule I can live by. Well, I do live by. Ask any of my friends and they will tell you I am never short of questions. A lot of the time they get me into trouble but then again they have also helped me piece puzzles together, learn more and then have more questions. The worst that can happen after asking a silly question is that someone will laugh at you. Worth the risk? I'd say so. If you don't ask, you'll never know! So ask questions, hundreds of them, even silly ones. Its a great way to learn new things and maybe even teach others something new.

Rule No.38 - If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun

How was this not rule number 1! We have all, at some stage of our lives have broken a rule or two. Some of us a lot more than one or two :) But lets be real here, we not talking laws, like stuff that gets you into jail. Just the little rules. Like no drinking on Sundays, no dancing on speakers, don't skinny dip under the moonlight, do not, i repeat, do not giggle in church. None of these will get you into jail, but they will make amazing memories that you'll talk about for years. So if you are the type to shiver at the mention of breaking the rules, I dare you to try one, just a little one. You will see how fun it can be. Just don't get caught! New rules - DO wear what ever you feel like, DO have breakfast for dinner, DO go out on a school night, the options are endless. Go have fun, good clean, none jail-time fun.

Rule No.35-Better to do a little well than a great deal badly

okay, tricky one. the way i see it and the way i live my life, is to try everything that you think will make you happy at least once. the trick to it is though, that if you do this, you have to make sure you do it with your everything and you do it well. but who am i to argue with socrates here, i think he knew a little more than i do. either way, if you are amazing at what you do, but you dont enjoy it, change it. try something that will make you happy, and if that doesnt make you happy, try something else until you find the thing that makes you wake up in the morning and want to get out of bed! * just found a picture of socrates, pretty scary looking bloke, maybe you should rather take his advice. :)

Rule No.34: Let the world know you as you are…

… not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you? We all have people we can be ourselves with and people we feel we need to “adjust” ourselves to at some stage of our lives. I am so fortunate that I have a massive family that I have never had to “pretend” in front of, and even though they know every single flaw they love me all the more for it. This past weekend I went to Bienvenido to visit my Cowboys and Indians families. I cant tell you how special these times are to me. We are so comfortable in ourselves around each other that we can say exactly what we thinking, even if it’s completely insane and leaves a “gasp” sound around us, cause after a couple seconds there will either be shrieks of laughter or hugs and kisses to make you feel that everything really will be okay. Then there are the friends that you can be just you with, sharing a hunters, having a dance on a stage even if it isnt a stage or eating

Rule No.33 - Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day

Okay, rules are back and what a classic one! This quote is by Harry S Truman. He was the 33 rd president of America, historians call him “a controversial president”, the band Chicago wrote a song just for him and he has a commemorative holiday in his name on the 8 th May in Missouri. This is brilliant advise, not in the literal sense, well, that too, but if you having a seriously bad day, don’t make things worse by deliberately doing something that will bite you in the bum later. I did this the other day, so I am talking out of experience here. I went into a situation and then on the way out, after realising it was a bad situation, I kicked a fresh turd cause I was so mad. (again, not literally, although, that might have been a better idea in hindsight) My advise in this circumstance is to stay indoors that day until you have calmed yourself down. I’ll leave you with another quote from Truman : A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who