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Showing posts from December, 2011

Rule No.70 – Don’t carry a grudge. While you’re carrying the grudge, the other guy is out dancing.

Classic. Tell you what, until recently I have been quite a good grudge holder. Big Guy and myself were quite good at it, while Mother Goose and Knitting Nancy are the total opposite. They would bite your head off and within 5 mins of the fight, offer you a cup of tea. Not Big Guy and I, we would need to go off and have some time to process it and give you a time out before we would consider a conversation with you again. But after some life experiences and situations, I have seen that the only person that suffers from you holding a grudge, is you. You miss out on that cup of tea and watch as the other person goes out dancing without a care in the world, meeting new people, laughing, having fun. It’s easier to hold a grudge though, than to forgive someone, that I have to admit, but if you don’t forgive, you just doing yourself an injustice. Lesson leant? Be mad at that person, but know when to forgive, let go and move on.

Rule No.69 - Truth is always exciting. Speak it then. Life is boring without it.

Not entirely true, sometimes the truth is not very exciting, sometime it just hurts like hell. I don’t think exciting would be the word i would use to explain it. Truth is interesting, necessary, complicating, even scary. Exciting, um, not always. Truth is one of the most important things in any relationship, including friendships, families and even work relationships. Without it, you basically have nothing. From truth comes trust, and if you trust someone, nothing else really matters. As soon as that trust is broken, as much as people say you can try earn it back, it wont come back. Like the old cliché about a broken vase . You can put it back together, but the cracks will always be there. Shew, not all gloom and doom, it is true, life would be incredibly boring without it. Truth keeps you on your toes, and when you find that someone to put your trust in and gain theirs, it feel like a million bucks. When you know that no matter what you tell them, they not going anywhere and that b

Rule No.68 - You don't save a pitcher for tomorrow. Tomorrow it may rain.

One must please forgive me lack of knowledge when it comes to baseball. At first glance I understood this rule as a pitcher full of wine or Pimm's. You can see my confusion. First of all, why on earth would you leave it till the next day, and then even if it was raining, whats to stop you from having some. Sigh. Anyway, after seeing who the quote was written by I was incredibly embarrassed to find out it was about a pitcher in a baseball team. How silly of me. I did think it insane that someone would ever tell you to save a pitcher of Pimm's for the next day. I think this rule also applies to the whole don't save your best china for special occasions, every day should be celebrated. What's the point of having them if you going to keep them in the cupboard until the fancy people come, what about your run of mill, everyday peeps. They should be even more special. So don't save that wine, the pitcher or the china for another day. If you have it, use it.

Rule No.67 - Do not be concerned with escaping safely.

“Forget about winning and losing; forget about pride and pain. Let your opponent graze your skin and you smash into his flesh; let him smash into your flesh and you fracture his bones; let him fracture your bones and you take his life! Do not be concerned with escaping safely- lay your life before him!!” Bruce Lee Okay, so we all think Chuck Norris is a legend. Well, who do think taught him to be so awesome. You have to be a SERIOUS legend to have Chuck Norris be your pallbearer at your funeral. I mean really. Bruce Lee remains an inspiration to many, including myself and Chuck and his legend lives on. A little while ago, a group of friends and I took this advice seriously when coming face to face with a real "American style" bar fight, like in the movies. There were pool cues, high heels, pulling hair, kicking, punching, i think there may have even been a chair involved. We had no regard for our safety. There were even a few that had no idea what the fight was about but g

Rule No.66 - Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right

Morals are taught to us by our parents, guardians, teachers and elders. They are concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct, distinction between right and wrong. Gandhi's brand of civil resistance is built around this quote. It's okay to break the rules as long as you do it non-violently, the rule is unjust, and are willing to accept the consequences. Another example of this rule is all the people that who hid or otherwise helped Jews during World War II. In the US military, you can get away with breaking the rules to do the right thing provided that you have a legitimate excuse and someone in a position of authority believes you. Similar to the Jewish rules, Islam also has exceptions in order to save someone, including oneself. For instance, eating pork is perfectly acceptable if no other food is available in an emergency. Human is not actually on the list of food prohibitions, in dire situations (though if you murder someone to eat them because you're starvi

Rule No.65 - Life is short, avoid causing yawns.

Today, the 1st December, is World Aids Day. It is a day like this that makes you realise just how short life is. I am wearing my red (well ox-blood) Christopher Strong dress today with my little red ribbon to show my support as I hope you are too. Life is short. How often do we say that but then don't end up doing anything about it. Now, my friend Gee has it all sorted out. He has helped me see that it is never too late to do what you want to do. He has signed up for music lessons, went bungee jumping the other day, bought a new camera to start taking amazing photos and lives each and every day as if it's the last. He's making the effort, doing what needs to be done and smiling all the way. This past weekend we played a game in the car on our journey away, asking questions and the first thing that comes to mind you had to say, one of the questions was "I am most afraid of..." and my immediate response was "dying before I have done all the things I want to d