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Showing posts from February, 2012

Rule No.83 - You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you... have to go to them sometimes. So you find a perfect little place in the forest, great view, some pet birds and nothing but the sweet sounds of nature. Amazing right? Sure, but only for a while. It's going to get a little lonely after a while, for even the die hard loners. This is when you are going to have to get out of your tree, and start walking. The forest is huge, go explore. Someone might be stuck in their tree and need a friend to come along. Be that friend. Knitting Nancy and Smart Girl, this is for you. I know you love your corner. You know it, you are comfortable there and you feel safe. It's time though to step outside, you could find another corner of the forest that is way more fun but you'll never know if you don't go out to them, step out of your comfort zone. It's time. We'll be waiting in the forest somewhere for you.

Rule No.82 - Consult your friend on all things...

... especially on those that respect yourself. His council may then be useful where your own self-love might impair your judgement." What would we do without best friends. There are many reasons for having friends and as much as it is the best to be able to share all the amazing fun, exciting stories, they are also great for sharing the not so fun things. They are there to help you, and guide you, and if they can give you advice that you wouldn't have thought of all by yourself cause you would be too caught up in it all and during that time is when you loose the big picture of things. Friends are there to let you know that yes, you are actually being an idiot and not thinking straight, and they even have the right to give you a big fat slap to snap you out of whatever slump you are in. Sometimes all you really need is for them to make you take two steps, sometimes three or four, back and look at it properly. Yes, there were good times, but you seem to have forgotten about the

Wish you were here...

Today is a very special day. Today, many many years ago, a girl was born. She was beautiful from that first moment, although, I only had the chance to meet her 20 days later when I had done my time in my Mom's tummy. Her house became mine and mine hers, except when she forgot to bring her own toothpaste, her family mine, and mine her's. We had to be placed on opposite sides of the classroom during nap time cause we would chat too much otherwise. When I was 3 I went on my first trip away without my parents or hers and went to her Ouma and Oupa. We went on Easter and Christmas holidays together with the families, watched as each other went through the awkward stages, the braces stage, the fat-thin-fat-thin stages, the massive fashion faux pars. The skater style, the punk rocker, the nose and belly piercings, the make ups and break ups. The last time we lived in the same town, or even provience was when we were 11 years old, but we've made it through different schools, with ot

Rule No.81 - Always give an autograph when somebody asks you.

"You never can tell. In baseball, anything can happen." How many of you have been mistaken as someone famous before and asked for your autograph? I definitely haven't, but a couple of my friends have. One of my friends looks like Jay Kay from Jamiroquai and when they were here touring he was bombarded by fans. How fun, I would totally claim that. But I somehow don't think that this was the way baseball manag er, Tommy Lasorda mea nt this rule to be about. He says anything can happen, so maybe we should adapt this to life. Let everyone know who you are, you never know what could come from that. Some interesting facts while checking out this quote: It's estimated that over ten million people actively collect baseball autographs and more than thirty million people own some type of baseball autograph. Weird, but interesting.

Rule No.80 - Life is like one big Mardi Gras...

...But instead of showing your boobs, show people your brain, and if they like what they see, you'll have more beads than you know what to do with." Ellen De Generes is awesome, simple as that. Only she can say something like this without sounding like some old school Martha Stuart wanna be's. If it came from anyone else it would be a "have some respect for yourself young lady". Not nearly as effective, me thinks. I just found out from Lovely Lamb that the average person lives for about 28 500 days. Put this way makes you realise how short life really is. So do you want to be remembered as the girl that flashed her boobs or the girl that was super smart and funny. I think you should be a bit of both but I'm all about balance. :)