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Showing posts from May, 2011

Rule No.8 - Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle

Perfect example. My aunt went to a pharmacy the other day to go collect her medication only to be served by an incredibly rude and grumpy person. She was not greeted or asked how she can be helped, the script was just taken away and that was it. My aunt had greeted her ever so nicely and asked how she was that day, and no reply. So my aunt, not one for keeping things to herself, spoke up. She said, "You know, the least you could have done was greet me with a smile." To which she replied, "Well, I am having a terrible day today and I don't need this." My aunt went on to tell her that she too was having a dreadful day but if she had just been greeted with a smile, the smile would have been returned and both would have been happy. After some further discussion, the lady apologised and admitted that she was having big problems at home and knew she shouldn't have taken it out on her. They then walked away smiling, both having had someone to offload to and feeling

Rule No.7 - If you're alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up. Who's going to know?

As long as it's in 5 seconds from hitting the floor. This quote is from Julia Child, what a gem. You can get away with so much when no-one is watching. You can walk around the house naked, pick your nose, burp as loud as you can, wear pj's all day, watch days of our lives and scratch your bum, if you want to. For as long as I can remember I have had a roommate, from sharing with my big sister, to then having to share with my little sister when she arrived 7 years later without warning, my favorite mistake. Then roomies at Tech, then boyfriends, then friends and lastly my brother. So now I have the house to myself, which also means that now when I get home, I also only have myself to talk to, and the TV of course. It's a huge adjustment, lots of pro's and a couple con's. No one to blame the dishes on anymore, or to talk about the day to, or take the daddy long legs out the house without killing it while I scream from the top of the chair. But now I can get home and

Why is the 29th May so special?

May 29 is the 149th day of the year, 150th in leap years. In the year 1975 Queen's song, Killer Queen was the number one on the charts. The star sign is Gemini and it's the year of the rabbit. The elements are air and wood and the planet is Mercury. This day is also the yin side of the yin yang. Divine number is 7 and colour is cream. But most importantly, it's my beautiful sisters birthday. Happy birthday Sista, this year is going to be your year.

Rule No.6 - Don't panic

Panic is a sudden sensation of fear which is so strong as to dominate or prevent reason and logical thinking, replacing it with overwhelming feelings of anxiety and frantic agitation consistent with an animalistic f ight-or-flight reaction. It also rhymes with manic and tannic. Perfect example of when to not panic and then when to start panicking. My very first night in my new flat here in Cape Town, I was woken up by my curtain being opened from the outside. Odd, first of all, because I live on the first floor, and second of all, because there was a man, well boy, suddenly staring at me from my window. A little shocked and confused, but not panicked, I squinted through sleepy eyes and said "hello". He looked at me, a little confused as well and greeted back. Then I asked him what he was up to at my window so early in the morning. "Washing your windows", was his reply. Okay, so it's Monday morning, my first night in this complex, maybe Monday morning is washing

Rule No.5 - Do not wait for the last judgement. It takes place every day.

"The Last Judgment, Final Judgment, Day of Judgment, Judgment Day or D-Day, is the final and eternal judgment of every nation." Sheesh, that's a bit heavy! Instead of getting into a religious debate about it all though, let’s look at the fun side of it. If you woke up every morning with the thought in the back of your mind that today was the last day and you would be judged on what you have done in your life so far, would you be happy with where you were? If I think long and hard about it, I am. So far in my life I have loved, many times, laughed till I cried (did that last night, actually brought on an asthma attack I was laughing so hard), then I’ve cried too, not from laughing, celebrated new life and the lives of those that we were fortunate to have in ours, even if only for a short time, snuggled in bed on a rainy day and lay on the beach with sand between my toes, and fingers, and in my ears (love Cape Town wind). I have danced till I couldn’t feel my feet

Rule No.4 - Believe in life!

Today I found this rule exceptionally hard as the day seemed to be dragging just to punish me. At one point I thought that chinese water torture would have been an upgrade to how I was feeling. Luckily my gorgeous little cousin came to visit and for a brief moment I forgot about the headache and disjointed hip from what I can only imagine was from some dancing last night and instead had the most beautiful girl in the world smiling and giggling at me. I guess she plays a massive part in getting me to believe in life again. No matter how bad my day or week is going, within seconds of being around her, i feel as though nothing else really matters. A friend gave us some advise the other day. Put your oars in the boat, and go with the stream. Yes, I laughed at first too, but I'm telling you, since then i have had all sorts of wonderful things happening to me. But what i have to figure out is, were there always these little things happening on a daily bases around me, that i just totally

Rule No.3 - Never make a credit decision on a bench.

When it comes to me, it's best if I just don't make any credit decisions, be it on a bench, in an office, or lying in bed. I still leave all that up to my Dad. Today I am feeling a little fragile after a fun night out with friends, but what better Rule for me today to bring me back to reality. I am at that stage of my life when I need to start making real grown up decisions and for those who know me, know I don't do grown up very well. My Dad said to me a while ago that I need to think long and hard about what I really want to be doing with my life and career seeing as though I keep chopping and changing. I've always known that I wanted to be a teacher but then I met a boy and he was studying design and it looked like the best thing ever, so I tried it. I loved it, until I got stuck in the corporate world. So I packed up and went on a cruise ship as a photographer for 6 months. Best 6 months of my life, but as it does, my time there ended. So what's the next thing o

Rule No.2 - Sing in the shower.

"...Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. you will get an enormous reward. you will have created something." Now that is some silly advise all of us could use. So easy to do, and yet, when last did you dance to the radio? I'm sitting in bed listening to the sound of the pouring rain outside (wait, I'm feeling an Adele song here) and it's suddenly the most beautiful sound i have ever heard. It's so simple really. Stop for just a second, right now, and listen out for three different sounds. I can hear the rain, a car in the distance and the fridge humming away. All these sounds are there, but we so busy being busy that we miss it. I didn't learn about this in a motivational book or dvd, its not from the Secret and strange enough, it isn't one of our weird "leb" traditions. A beautiful reception grade teacher taught me this during my prac. She got all the kids to close t

Rule No.1: The first and great commandment is: Don't let them scare you.

...and in this case, it's the years that have flown by! But i will not let them scare me! SO much has happened since I last wrote and I feel as though I am a completely new person. My heart has been broken many more times, and healed, then broken again. I've changed careers, my hair colour, my opinion, my attitude and of course changed my mind a thousand times. But some things never change, family is still there for me and my mad idea's, friends that have stuck by all the drastic hair do's and of course Bold and the Beautiful. Seriously, how is it that Brooke still looks 30 and Stephanie is still alive. That all said, my point now will be to share with you a lot about what I have learnt from a book recommended by my older sister . It's brilliant, full of laughs, little tears and Oprah's "Aha" moments. So watch this space, and remember, don't let them scare you.