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Showing posts from October, 2014

Today I love... Kiss Me

How beautiful is this song? Can't get enough of it right now...  Settle down with me Cover me up Cuddle me in Lie down with me And hold me in your arms And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now Kiss me like you wanna be loved You wanna be loved You wanna be loved This feels like falling in love Falling in love We're falling in love Settle down with me And I'll be your safety You'll be my lady I was made to keep your body warm But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms Yeah I've been feeling everything From hate to love From love to lust From lust to truth I guess that's how I know you So I hold you close to help you give it up So kiss me like you wanna be loved You wanna be loved You wanna be loved This feels like falling in love Falling in love We're falli

Rule No. 158 - Never throw a long line when a short one will serve your purpose

I was given my first fishing rod when I was 3. It was red and shiny and the best Christmas gift ever. It couldn't have been more than a meter long but I was chuffed. I could not wait to go fishing with my Dad. Since then, I've moved on to fly fishing and I can honestly say that it is one of the most relaxing and peaceful things to do. But... It can also be a tad frustrating. Last year I went fishing with my Dad in the dead of winter and after nearly freezing to death for a couple hours, I'd still not even had a bite. There I was, feeling like Brad Pitt in "A river runs through it", casting like my life depended on it. But nothing.  As the morning cleared, so did the water and something caught my eye not two meters in front of me. There was this beautiful trout casually gliding past me, oblivious of the delicious looking fly just a little further in the deep end. I pulled my line in as quick as I could and cast in the area just in front of me. But by then,

Rule no 156 - Don't ever ask anyone for an opinion of your performance. They're liable to tell you

"So, how do you think I did?" "Ya, not bad. But if you had run at a slightly faster pace and ran up those hills instead of walked, you would have done a lot better. Just saying." Fail. Biggest mistake is to ask how you did, unless you are an Olympiad in training and you NEED advice. If you asking to get a compliment, you're asking for the wrong reasons and you should never do that again. We're all guilty of this, but I'd like to think we have mostly great friends that will say the right thing to make us feel better about ourselves. At the end of the day, you should have been doing it for yourself and the only opinion that matters is your own. And even then, try to not be so hard on yourself. The fact that you put yourself out there, with whatever performance it is you've chosen, and it is a great accomplishment. Own it and don't give a hoot what other people think. 

Do you know how beautiful you are, i think not my dear

He made you cry He broke your heart He doesn't care anymore He is selfish He gave up He stopped trying He plays games with your emotions He wants you, and doesn't want you at the same time. That isn't fair He is all talk and no action, and will keep hurting you with that Please stay away this time, okay? Love, your heart