I have an 7 hour trip on the bus ahead of me from Madrid to Marbella, so i thought, what better time to catch up on some blogging. Now, time to explain why I love Madrid. I'm in a points kind of mood, so here goes:
* The architecture - Some of these buildings date back many years and the detail is mind blowing. From the statues on the top to the patterns and the detail on the doors is just too beautiful. I have read about places like these in books but actually seeing it right in front of you is like a dream come true.
* The people - As long as you can at least try say hello in Spanish you will receive a very warm greeting. They are so helpful and kind and even without a single English word manage to help you with whatever you need. I have found though that talking with my hands all my life has really come in handy. Aaah, see what I did there! Sigh, that's lame, I apologize.
* The street vibe - wow, I spent hours, literally, walking around taking in all the things that were going on around me. One of my highlights though was a very overweight Spider-Man. He was like an accident, you don't want to look but you just can't help Staring. There were army statue guys, a guy balancing on what seemed to be the other guy holding him up (hard to explain, I will insert picture here), a tall soldier with no face but glasses and a hat, so many weird and wonderful things. But I didn't get too many photos cause you have to give them money if you do.
* The food - Cant believe I only remembered this now,it's normally top of my list as its all I think about. I have decided I must have some Spanish blood because tapas are the way to go. Wait, could be the Lebanese blood that just likes food in general. When you sit down for a drink you get a little plate of something. My first experience? A bruschetta with the most delicious cheese and a splash of olive oil on top. Mmmmm. Fernando, our tour guide for the walking tour, told us the origin of this practice but its quite a long story so I'll save it for a rainy day.
(Oh dear, the lady next me is playing the noisiest game of scrabble on her phone since my life. Lots of swooshing and bloeping and bling sounds. Not great I tell ya)
* Late night shopping - I have always been more of a late owl and to be completely honest am horrible in the mornings. So the idea of shopping (or window shopping inside the shop for me) is incredibly appealing. After a nice siesta you head out for some tapas and sangria and then you shop! Heaven.
Damn, my travel companion next to me just pulled out a sandwich, wish I had prepared a little more for this trip. Need to stop staring. Maybe she made extra. #holdingthumbs
* The music - Wherever you go you will hear music, whether its someone singing, the radio, someone playing the guitar/violin/flute, there is always music and it is so beautiful
Okay, suddenly have very sleepy eyes. Siesta time!
Adios amigos