..with Madrid!
I have begun a new adventure, again, and this time My chosen country is .... Spain! After a long flight via Doha and some lost luggage, I arrived in Madrid and managed to tackle the metro getting myself all the way to a backpackers that I closed my eyes and pointed to on map.
I must have looked like a proper tourist. All I needed was long socks and sandels to be 100% tourist. I can tell you that it was love at first sight. This city is magical. I actually felt like I was in a movie and was the lead in one of those old school flicks, where she arrives in this big city and stands on the street corner (no, not like that) and looks up and everyone around her is in fast forward and there is that dramatic music as she clutches her bag in front of her.
I´m on my way South now, so I´ll catch up on the going on´s of Madrid in a few days time.
With love,
from Madrid