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Rule No. 17 - Create a posse of dead people. Create an entourage of heroes. Put their pictures on your wall, and keep them in your mind.

Helen Keller, Harvey Milk, Joan Of Arc, Mother Theresa, Miriam Makebe, Mahatma Gandhi 2, Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama, Richard Branson... I could go on forever with how many people we can gain strength and inspiration from.

But while looking for some idea's now, I came across a guy named Nick Vujicic: a man with no limbs who teachers people how to get up. Shew, did he put life in perspective! He was born with Tetra-amelia disorder, a rare disorder that left him limbless and missing both arms at shoulder level. His statement is "I love living life. I am happy." Man, makes you think. It's not to make you feel depressed now that you have so much and you complain about "silly little things", but rather to show you what you are truly capable of. Obviously everything is all relative and referring to a man that has no limbs is no more hectic than someone, say, that has lost their entire family and they got up and carried on. We all have our mountains or mole hills but seeing someone like this, teaching fully limbed people to get up once you have fallen is, well, a lesson all of us can take something from.

This wasn't where I was going to go with this rule, but someone had other idea's for me. Keep those people that inspire you to get up again in your mind, or like they say, on your wall.

"I never met a bitter person that was thankful, or a thankful person that was bitter."


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