In my little cottage there is a big white toy box. Before it was white, it was pink, before pink it was blue with white sponging (very 90's) and before that, it was the original wood. I think. It's been in our house all of my 23 years and somehow it's found it's way back into my life and little cottage. Today was the day I decided to open that little box of tricks.
It wasn't at all what I thought would be in there. I found a whole bunch of art from while I was studying design at Tech as well as cards, photos and letters. I laughed and then I cried a little and then laughed some more. Funny how at 21 I thought I had my life sorted. I had a wonderful boyfriend, my whole Graphic Design career ahead of me, incredible friends, a brilliant social life and not a care in the world. I should have known that it would never be that easy.
So the rule says, be yourself. I guess some of us just take a little longer trying to figure out who that person is than others. And that's okay too. The trick is to try figure out what it is YOU want and not what everyone else wants from you.
I did that too a while ago, clearing out and found stuff from school days, also laughed and also definitely cried too <3