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What I know for sure...

"Since the day the late Gene Siskel asked me, "What do you know for sure?" and I got all flustered and started stuttering and couldn't come up with an answer, I've never stopped asking myself that question. And every month I must find yet another answer. Some months I feel I hardly know a thing, and I'm always pressed to make the deadline for this column." Oprah Winfrey

Here is my attempt at what I know for sure, so far.

1. When you need someone to hold your hand, you will ALWAYS have your person but often, some of the people that you "expect" would be there for you are not always available, and often who you had least expected at all that will be right there by your side.

2. Different people and situations come into your life for different reasons, most of the time you'll not be able to explain it, try not to question it. 

3. Always carry a book with you. 

4. You are more creative than you think. Just because you can't do an exact replica of the Mona Lisa doesn't mean you not creative. 

5. You will make mistakes, sometimes very big ones, that you can't fix. I am a hundred percent certain i still have some goodies up my sleeve. Deal with it, learn from it and move on. People will probably remind you about it for the rest of your life but if you learnt from it and moved on, then you'll be strong enough to keep going. 

6. Don't take sleep for granted. The 'Sleep when you dead' comment is cool, but when you basically unconscious from exhaustion while alive, is that really being alive? 

7. Learn to let go of everything that isn't helping you move forward, or that makes you cry. Take two, or sometimes you need twenty two steps back to look and see if you need that situation, person or thing in your life. If you are hesitant, then you don't. Simple as that. 

8. Joburg winters are definitely colder than Cape Town ones. Like inside your bones cold. By far. Don't even try argue this. 

9. "An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind." Gandhi

10. I'll finish this one off with a
dvice from a very wise beautiful person who I adore. "It's not for nothing. It may feels like it now. But you have loved deeply. And been loved deeply. That is NEVER a waste! Time spent loving someone is never a waste." 

I'm not sure what I would do without her... 

And now for Oprahs Top Twenty things she knows for sure...  Same same but different. 


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