...but this one was bigger. Much bigger. Table Mountain bigger. It's been on my bucket list for a very long time and today I conquered it with the help of two amazing people.
I went back to the old post, "Today I climbed a mountain" and felt quite sad after reading it. At the time of that post I was trying so hard to see the good side of things and to be optimistic and hopeful and imagine all things sparkly and happy, but if I'm honest with myself, I am still fighting those battles. I'm still trying to find peace and still get really angry and sad.
That being said, todays climb was incredible. It had nothing to do with starting fresh or new beginnings. I didn't wish anyone any love and light. I wasn't thinking about forgiveness or feelings. I was thinking about climbing a big mountain and getting to the top without dying or passing out from exhaustion. I was thinking how lucky I was to be able to be taking in all this beauty and to have a healthy body that was taking me up there. And it was wonderful. I did it.
Today I climbed a mountain, and it felt amazing. But I'm still that same girl fighting those same demons, except now I have that extra thing to smile about.
That being said, todays climb was incredible. It had nothing to do with starting fresh or new beginnings. I didn't wish anyone any love and light. I wasn't thinking about forgiveness or feelings. I was thinking about climbing a big mountain and getting to the top without dying or passing out from exhaustion. I was thinking how lucky I was to be able to be taking in all this beauty and to have a healthy body that was taking me up there. And it was wonderful. I did it.
Today I climbed a mountain, and it felt amazing. But I'm still that same girl fighting those same demons, except now I have that extra thing to smile about.