I realise that this post is going to sound like a generalization and a few people may be upset by this, but I need to get this off my chest.
What is it with you guys (obviously not all of you, but at the moment it seems as though it is most). Why do you think that it is okay to make us think you like us, really like us but then date someone else and "forget" to mention it. What makes it okay to say you'd like to go to the "friend zone" cause you not ready for a relationship, this after quite a few dates and then tell us about all the other dates you going on? Why you dating if you not ready? And why do you think it's okay to tell us about it. What makes you think you can still be on a dating site, and active just TWO weeks after your wedding! What makes it okay to tell us how much you love us, need us, want us, but then tell us it's not the right time? Keep us close enough to be there for you but far enough to not have to make any promises. Even keep a space for someone else incase they might be the right one instead.
Do you think that by pretending everything is okay, and not mentioning someone else in your life will protect us from being hurt? Do you think you can keep us as "friends" until you've tried out all the other fish in the sea and then come back if you don't find anything else? Do you seriously think it's okay to pretend you are single on a site days after your wedding? How do you even begin to justify that? Do you really think that we will never cope if you said, you know what, you're awesome but I'm just not that into you. Do you think we will never recover? What happened to good old fashioned honesty?
Ya, it will suck hearing you not the right person, or that there is someone else, but at least we can then have a little cry if we need, have a big night out with the girls, and then start picking up the pieces and start again. Clean cut. No what if's, but's, why's or what did i do wrong. Is it SO hard for you to just be honest, be a gentleman and give us a little bit of respect.
We are a whole lot stronger than you give us credit for. If you think we will curl up and die if you left us, think again. We'll be just fine. Now grow a pair, and man up. Be honest with us. I promise we'll be okay.
To my girls that are going through this in their lives and shared your story with me, make it easier for them... and walk away.
You deserve better.
I stumbled upon this and think everyone should have a read, guys and girls.
Do you think that by pretending everything is okay, and not mentioning someone else in your life will protect us from being hurt? Do you think you can keep us as "friends" until you've tried out all the other fish in the sea and then come back if you don't find anything else? Do you seriously think it's okay to pretend you are single on a site days after your wedding? How do you even begin to justify that? Do you really think that we will never cope if you said, you know what, you're awesome but I'm just not that into you. Do you think we will never recover? What happened to good old fashioned honesty?
Ya, it will suck hearing you not the right person, or that there is someone else, but at least we can then have a little cry if we need, have a big night out with the girls, and then start picking up the pieces and start again. Clean cut. No what if's, but's, why's or what did i do wrong. Is it SO hard for you to just be honest, be a gentleman and give us a little bit of respect.
To my girls that are going through this in their lives and shared your story with me, make it easier for them... and walk away.
You deserve better.
I stumbled upon this and think everyone should have a read, guys and girls.