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Coconut Lagoon

Today we drove from Periyar to Kumarakom, yet another nail biting taxi ride and Aji seemed to be in an extra big rush cause he had a family wedding tonight. Never a dull moment with Aji. Somehow our conversation turned to Aji and we asked why he hadn’t married yet, to which he replied:

“I’m not pretty, maybe if I was pretty I would be married by now.” The next 15 minutes became a full on coucilling session, where we explained to him that he is in fact very pretty and told him the right girl would come along.This is a bit of lie though, he actually has no say in the matter. It’s up to the parents and he says 99.9% marriages are arranged. Then Nancy pipes up and says, “Well, I guess we not pretty either, cause we not married.” A small giggle from Aji, then silence. Hmmm.

Three and a half hours, two nails and a patch of hair later we were on a jetty ready to take a boat to our next destination: Coconut Lagoon. There is only one way to get to Coconut Lagoon and that’s by boat. We climbed onto the very sweet motorised wooden boat and headed up Vembanad Lake.

When we arrived we were greeted by the beautiful sound of the flute, while we sipped on coconuts. This place is breath taking. From the rice paddy’s to the water ways, surrounded by such beauty.
We were shown to our rooms which is a bungalow and the place looks like a little village with red tiled roofs and paths. Inside the room there are two single beds, decorated with red flowers. Then…the best part. An open roof bathroom with the shower and toilet and a big plant in the middle. This is how everyone should shower.

After yet another afternoon nap, we set off to explore the hotel. On our way to the butterfly garden we saw turtles and birds and dragonflies. The plan then was to check out the yoga on the way so that we could go tomorrow, but suddenly, like out of a movie, the soft breeze turned into a wild wind in seconds and then the skies just opened. Dinner time is always exciting times for us, because we have eaten so many different types of food or dares have become crazy.

Tonight the dare for me was to eat my entire meal with my hands, well, hand. You not meant to use your left hand. The different flavours and spices are so incredible and I cant believe that I have gone from a lemon and herb nando’s burger to a hand eating spice filled nose running extra hot meal.


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