Rule No.54 - If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once...
...Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack.
Shew, a little excessive don't you think Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill. Although, with a name like that, who could blame him. I think he had it right in the first half, till "hit the point once". You should make your point once, and it should be loud and clear enough, that you don't have to repeat it again. Your tremendous whack should be your first hit. If this is the case though, you have to believe 110% in your point and back it up completely. Cause once you have gone out there, you cant go back on it.
He is so right in saying "don't be subtle or clever". When did being subtle ever help anyone? Well, I can't think of anyone that got their point across by subtly hinting. I think that this is something you can only learn over time and with experience but I do believe that if you are completely true to yourself, you will do what you need to, to deliver that tremendous whack.