Rule No. 86 - Fill yourself with silence, you will find life, And your body shall flourish upon earth...
If i had written this post a couple days ago, I might have saved a friendship. This is a rule that I need to take to heart, and try my best to install into my life. I have a really bad problem with keeping quiet. Maybe it's because I have a very large family where if you don't hurry up and speak, you won't be heard, or maybe I just have a broken filter when it comes to processing.
There have been many many times in my past that I have regretted saying some things, even though I hate the word "regret" but it has caused a large amount of sadness and complications in my life. Instead of sitting still for a moment and processing the information, I take how I feel at that very second and blurt it out. Most times, I have just completely missed the point and end up making a massive fool of myself.
My star sign for this month says that when I am in doubt, I must get in the water, it's my element and it makes me stronger. So anyone want to join me for a dive, I cant talk underwater! Good plan. Being silent is a skill that has to be learnt, well for some of us and I am happy to say that I have begun the process, albeit too late for some things. Damage is done, I can only learn from it and move on.
I am hoping by implementing this into my life I will be able to save my friendships and relationships from now on. Just very sad I had to learn this lesson this way. Anyway, as they say in French baby, Je suis desole.