This post is just for anonymous and of course for me. I made the advise/advice mistake before and anonymous helped me by pointing it out, and can you believe it, I made the mistake AGAIN. So this is going up to remind me every time I try use these again.
advice is a noun and advise is a verb.
"Please advise us" is correct.
If you want to use "advice", you have to say like
"Please give advice" because in this sentence it is used as noun.
Advice : An opinion as to a decision or course of action
Advise : To offer advice
Alternatively I could just use words like counsel, word to the wise, suggestion, sub monition, recommendation, speech from the throne, adviser, prompter, counsel, monitor, mentor for the noun part
lay heads together, consult together, compare notes, hold a council, deliberate,
be closeted with, confer, consult, refer to, call in, be advised by,
have at one's elbow, take one's cue from for the verb part.
I wont be making this mistake again!!
Till then, keep up the wonderfully humorous blog.
Yours in anonymity,