Today marks 100 years since the birth of the worlds number one story teller. For as long as I can remember Roald Dahl has been a part of my life and words like gloriumptious, frightsome, whoopsy-splunkers , and frothbuggling from Dahl's " Gobblefunk " (his own language) are normal words to me. In honor of the centenary of his birth this month, the Oxford English Dictionary added these six new words from Dahl’s writing: Dahlesque, golden ticket, human bean, Oompa Loompa, scrumdiddlyumptious and witching hour. As an almost teacher, I think it is incredibly important that every child has the privilege of experiencing the magic of Roald Dahl in their lives and for as long as I teach, I will do my best to do just that. Happy Birthday Roald Dahl!