"Since the day the late Gene Siskel asked me, "What do you know for sure?" and I got all flustered and started stuttering and couldn't come up with an answer, I've never stopped asking myself that question. And every month I must find yet another answer. Some months I feel I hardly know a thing, and I'm always pressed to make the deadline for this column. " Oprah Winfrey Here is my attempt at what I know for sure, so far. 1. When you need someone to hold your hand, you will ALWAYS have your person but often, some of the people that you "expect" would be there for you are not always available, and often who you had least expected at all that will be right there by your side. 2. Different people and situations come into your life for different reasons, most of the time you'll not be able to explain it, try not to question it. 3. Always carry a book with you. 4. You are more creative than you think. Just because you can't d