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Showing posts from January, 2012

Rule No.79 - Never be the first to arrive at a party or the last to go home, and never ever be both.

For those of you that know me, know that I will never ever be the first to arrive at a party. It is a terrible habit and I have made many new years resolutions to change this but for some reason being on time is very hard for me to do. It is normally that I am the last to arrive at a party, which in this rule is a blessing in disguise. As for the last to leave, now that is another story. My family and friends are all FOMO's, for those of you unsure of the meaning of this, it stands for fear of missing out. We absolutely hate to hear about something that happened and we weren't there. This fear normally leads to us being the last to leave. This rule is also linked to a previous rule, where you know you should leave now, but a little voice in your head tells you that if you do, you will miss out on something fun. So you stay, and once again, you're the last to leave. Yes, it is best to arrive with at least a small crowd there already and to leave before they start playing clo

Rule No.78 - Reason well from the beginning, and then there will never be any need to look back with confusion and doubt.

This quote comes from the incredible 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso. "I am a simple Buddhist monk, no more, no less". He is SO much more than that. This is a good, intelligent, pure man who has so much to teach us. If only the South African government had taken this quote to heart while "deciding" to grant him his visa or not. But i won't go there, it makes me too mad. There will be times though, when we panic and lack reason but the consequences are normally confusion and doubt. Not ideal! The whole thing is to try your best to stay level headed from the beginning, reasoning well cause that way, you don't have to backtrack and try and cover up. Great rule, put this one in your top five.

Rule No.77 - Don't expect to be popular...

...The better you do your job, the more likely you are to go against conventional wisdom, and people don't want to hear bad news. So you are not going to be popular. Let's be honest, no one likes a know it all. When you have been told something your whole life, and then some punk comes along and tell you something else and then proves it, you not a happy person. Imagine how everyone felt when they thought the world was flat, then some fella came along and not only told everyone they were badly mistaken, but that there was in fact an entire world out there. But you know what, those people are just jealous, so go ahead and be the best you can at your job. As long as you love what you doing. If you not enjoying it, stop wasting your time and talent and change to what you love. NOW!

Rule No. 76 – Keep your old love letters. Throw away your old bank statements.

I was on a plane last night on my way home and after my original idea of having a really awesome nap after two extremely tough weeks being completely thrown aside thanks to my hard of hearing peeps behind me that thought it necessary to use their fists on the tray to make a point, and they had a LOT of points, while bashing my chair at the same time, i decided what better time to think about this rule instead. Use my time productively. Then, somewhere between my eyes rolling back in exhaustion and semi consciousness, i looked over to the other row and there was a lady with her wallet on her lap, sorting out her slips, throwing away her bank statements. Brilliant. Seriously though, why would you want to keep them? We all do, just in case we need it for something, but when have you ever really needed them?These days they give you the option if you want to print out the receipt or not. Do yourself and the tree's a favour and just say no. Sorted. Now love letters. Aaah, love letters. I

Rule No.75 - Ease up on yourselves ....

... Have some compas sion for yourself as well as for others. There's no such thing as perfection, and life is not a race. Did you know that there is a thing called Atelophobia? It's the fear of imperfection. Can you believe it, they actually have a real phobia name for it. That tells you that a lot of people have this phobia. I know I do. We are always worried that we are too chubby, too tall, too short, nose is skew, bum is too round, boobs aren’t big enough, or too big. I could go on forever, but we have these ideas that are fed to us about what beauty is. Don’t get me wrong, I am not one of those people that say how disgusting magazines are and how they are warping the minds of our generation, no, I buy those magazines, I love those magazines, and I think those woman are beautiful. But they set the standard for what we think we need to be. If you flip through the DSTV channels, you will find at least two shows about plastic surgery and weight loss shows. They are the

Rule No.74 - Dont hang a dismal picture on the wall...Don’t be a cynic and disconsolate preacher. Don’t bewail and bemoan.

In Feng Shui, what you place in your rooms and where you place them are very important. One of the main points they try to make though are that what you put up on your walls directly affect your conscience, mood and thoughts. So if you have a picture of a demon eating someone’s soul, you gonna be pretty down most of the time. It’s not going to inspire you to get up and go for a hike and smell the flowers and appreciate life. Well, it wouldn’t for me. We all know that there is nothing worse than being around someone that constantly talks about how terrible life is and how unhappy they are. The problem with this is, some people are stronger than that and can walk out of the room unaffected. Others are not so lucky though, they leave the room feeling as though the sky has fallen and with sad, hurting hearts. Gareth Cliff has actually started something very cool, him and his team have a no negativity Wednesday. Brilliant. Tell you what, it makes you realise how many times you can actuall

Rule No.73 - Stay home when you are drunk

If only it was that easy. We come from what they call Generation Y , which among some good qualities, we are also known as the binge drinkers. Different sites have different age groups for this generation but the majority says its the eighties babies. On Health culture society they have put up the video by ‘LMFAO’. The song is titled ‘Shots’ and features vocals from rapper Lil’ Jon. The video shows LMFAO and Lil’ Jon pouring shots while at a pool party. They then go on to say: " This artefact demonstrates how prevalent binge drinking is in society and how the epidemic is fuelled by generation Y. Binge drinking, or deliberate drinking to intoxication is most common among young people, and is associated with an increased risk of chronic disease, injury and premature mortality." Yoh, and all we want is to have a good time. Suze Original, Buttnutt and myself decided to stay in and have a couple drinks at home the one night, let's call it "three-man night"

Rule No.72 - If everything is under control, you are going too slow.

Do you ever have that feeling when everything is running so smoothly and you suddenly have a panic attack because something MUST be wrong. It can't be so perfect, there must be something that you missed or that is about to happen. I have that feeling often. It's not a good feeling, tell you what, but I have a history of things just not going quite the way i would like them to. That's why when it is going right, and when i should be so happy, I just think it's too good to be true. Some would say that is the stupidest thing in the world cause I end up missing out on those amazing times and don't get to appreciate them, and they would be right. So I'm trying to learn from my mistakes and take each moment, stop, love the fact that it is under control and breath it in. All that being said, Mario Andretti has a point. If it is all under control, why not up it a notch, take it a little further. Make more of the situation and you'll get more out, right? So if you b

Rule No.71 - It's the way you play that makes it. What I say is, you don't have to kill yourself to swing....

......Play like you play. Play like you think, and then you got it, if you're going to get it. And whatever you get, that's you, so that's your story. Count Basie - musician So, the first post of 2012 and it has been quite a long break since I last wrote what with me touring the country. I have to tell you that I had one of the most amazing holidays. I had the absolute pleasure of seeing Transkei for the first time in my life and I'll tell you something for free, it is one of THE most beautiful places I have ever seen. A total of 32 hours on the road, 14 days away from home, 10 days in paradise, a million giggles and laughs and loads of new friends later, I am home and have started my new job today. Yay . And now. today's rule by Count Basie. So ya, um. Just do like Basie says peeps, be you, and that will be your story! If you feel it, go with it. Don't stop to see what everyone else is thinking of you, its what you think of yourself that counts. Play like