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What's hair got to do with it?

Um, everything. Hair has everything to do with it! "Gorgeous hair is the best revenge" -Ivana Trump "A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life" - Coco Chanel "Good hair days make me feel like I can rule the world." - unknown (or every female in the world) If you're having a bad hair day, chances are you're going to have a bad day. Same if you're having a good hair day, things just suddenly all into place. It's just how the universe works.  My love/hate relationship with my hair started many years ago. (hate is a strong word, more like not love so much) When I was about 8, I got the unmentionable lice. And instead of combing out the nits like everyone else, my Mom sent me to my Aunt (NOT a hairdresser) to chop all my hair off into a very boyish style. I use the word style very loosely. It was horrendous. A dark time in my life.  The next hair moment that stands out is my confirmation. Finally, my hair was almost m
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Rule No 166 - Do not go to bed fearing tomorrow, for when day breaks what is tomorrow? - Amenemope

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Restoring self-confidence after breast cancer - by Lauren Harmse

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What cancer means to me...

This is the title for an article in the October Fairlady: What cancer means to me. Just let that sink in for a minute.  In the "old" days, we would hear about aunties brothers wife's cousin that had cancer, but now days it's hitting closer and closer to home with most people having someone they know directly or having it yourself.  If you type in "Cancer  Blogs"  uou'll  get  38 100 000 results.   There is even a "Best Cancer Blogs of  2016" site!!  You'll find blogs written by  husbands, parents, wives and children  of cancer  survivors and hundreds of  blogs with  with the latest on news and clinical research on the causes, treatments, and path to a potential cure for cancer, blogs  covering a broad spectrum of the cancer field, from new patients to seasoned experts. There are support communities and blogs  about “chemo brain,” post-treatment depression, fertility issues, and more. It's endless. But what this means

Roald Dahl Day 100

Today marks 100 years since the birth of the worlds number one story teller. For as long as I can remember Roald Dahl has been a part of my life and words like  gloriumptious,  frightsome,  whoopsy-splunkers ,  and  frothbuggling from Dahl's " Gobblefunk " (his own language) are normal words to me. In honor of the centenary of his birth this month, the Oxford English Dictionary added these six new words from Dahl’s writing: Dahlesque, golden ticket, human bean, Oompa Loompa, scrumdiddlyumptious and witching hour. As an almost teacher, I think it is incredibly important that every child has the privilege of experiencing the magic of Roald Dahl in their lives and for as long as I teach, I will do my best to do just that. Happy Birthday Roald Dahl!

Word porn

Rule No. - Be warned against "good advice"...

...because "good" advice is necessarily 'safe' advice, and though it will undoubtedly follow a sane pattern, it will very likely lead one into total sterility - on of the crushing problems of our time.  - Jules Feiffer I love this rule and for those of you who know me, know exactly why i love this rule and you're probably rolling your eyes at me right now too. Okay, focus those eyes and hear me out. I have the most wonderful family and friends who are constantly looking out for me. They have all given such good advice and I always listen very tentatively to what they say, but nine times out of ten I'll end up doing the opposite or else something completely different. For example, when I decided I was actually in the wrong career and made the decision to study again and start over, everyone was happy for me and incredibly supportive. So began the process of studying but after a year and a bit I became a little bored, for lack of a better word, and needed a